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namjoon pov

i walk my way to my homeroom without getting lost which is an achievement. i walk in and see that all the seats are taken apart from one. the one next to the presidents son.

i've head rumours that he likes me and i do too if i'm being honest. i've always had a crush on him but it's too risky. he's practically apart of the government and if he found out i'd surly be sent to some lab. he's against the experiments of moon children but what if he gets mad one day and decides to send me to the lab? there's just too many risks that i'm not willing to take.

i sigh and sit down next to the boy that has been handcrafted by god himself. like dude, it HAS to be illegal to be THIS handsome. after the role is marked everyone breaks off into their own conversation leaving jin and i in an awkward silence.

"hey namjoon, do you wanna maybe be friends?" jin asks all of a sudden.

"s-sure," i reply while mentally slapping myself for stuttering.

we exchange numbers and say goodbye to each other when the bell rings. did that really just happen? THE kim seokjin just asked ME to be his friend. granted he doesn't know what i am but what if he finds out? all these thoughts are running around my head when i feel a tap on my shoulder.

"hey hyung," jungkook says pulling me out of my thoughts.

"hey kookie," i reply trying to act calm.

"what's wrong? you look like you've seen a ghost?" he asks worriedly.

"n-nothing! nothing's wrong don't worry," i say trying to keep my nerves at bay but of course, i'm failing.

"hmm ok. we have to hurry or we'll be late for our classes," he says while pulling me along to my class.

we make it just in time and say goodbye to each other before entering our respected classes. he's in the class next to mine so he doesn't have to go far. when i walk in i'm handed a piece of paper that says what table i'm sitting at and of course, i'm sitting at jin's.

i walk over to the table and sit down. all the seats at the table were taken so i was once again next to jin. the class starts and we do normal first day of school stuff. after 30 minutes we are aloud to talk amongst our groups to get to know each other since we'll be sitting with each other for the rest of the year. the two other boys start talking to each other since they're friends leaving jin and i to talk with each other.

"hey," he says after awhile. his voice is just as beautiful as him.

"hi," i reply and turn to look at him.

"do you want to get to know each other?" he asks and i nod, "ok how old are you?"

"16, how about you?"

"17 that makes me your hyung," he replies.

the conversation is awkward but it's nice in a way? it's hard to explain but we get to know each other so it's barrable.

we stop talking for a bit and i look down at my hands. i start to play with my sleeves and blush as i can feel his gaze on me.

"you're so pretty," he says breathlessly.

"n-not as pretty as y-you," i mumble and be shakes his head.

"you're probably the only person that's prettier than me namjoon," he whispers into my ear making me blush harder if that was even possible, "you're blush makes you cuter."

"stop~," i whine stretching out the 'o'.

"it's true," he smiles and starts to pack his stuff up as the bell goes in a couple of minutes.

i do the same and just as i put my book into my bag the bell rings. we walk out of the class together and walk to our next one.

time skip

the rest of the day goes by great. we sit on the steps at the front of the school so we can get picked up. it's silent for a while before jin speaks up.

"do you maybe want to come over? i get if you don't want to because you'll basically be meeting the president but you wont be alone," he asks making me freeze.

i like jin a lot but even talking to him is a risk. a huge one at that. if i slip up in the tiniest little way i can kiss my life goodbye. i'll probably never be able to go to his house and vice versa. it's too risky.

"i'm sorry jin hyung but i can't. my parents are weird about me going over to peoples places," i reply and he nods understandingly.

i look at the parking lot and see that my parents are here. i prepare myself for the talk of a life time and bid goodbye to the beautiful man beside me. i grab my bag and walk over to the car. when i'm in and close the door, my dad starts driving without a word.

"namjoon," he says quietly.

"yeah?" i ask.

"you can't talk to seokjin. you know how big of a risk it is. i know he's against the testing but you never know what could happen," he replies and i sigh.

"i know and i'm terrified of it. he's so nice dad you have no idea, he's also so gorgeous. i've thought of every possible way he could find out and i'm going to go out of my way so that he can't find out. please dad, he's my only friend other than jungkook. i promise you that i'll be ok and that he won't find out and if he does, then we can deal with it when it happens," i plea and now it's his turn to sigh.

"i'm trusting you with this one joonie. i wouldn't suggest telling your mother though, you know how worried she gets over you," he says and i nod. he pats my back and he both get out.

i hope this friendship works out

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