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Atlanta, GA
November 11th, 2018


Today was my first doctor's appointment and I just couldn't wait, the only sad part about it was Roddy wasn't here to go with me

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Today was my first doctor's appointment and I just couldn't wait, the only sad part about it was Roddy wasn't here to go with me. I was still at home struggling to get ready for a three o'clock appointment and it was already going on two fifteen. Lately, I've been so held back on doing anything because I'm still hurt over the death of my fiancee. He helped me with everything you could think of because that was the kind of man he grew to become.

As soon as I was stepping out of my door to head out Jessie pulled into my driveway. "Hey I'm so glad I caught you before you left, I know its the day you go to your appointment and I wanted to know if it's ok with you if I tag along."

I didn't know if to tell her yes or no because I mean we never really had a relationship but it could be a start. "Sure I'm ok with that, I think Rod would of love it anyway. By the way, we should go in my car I'm most comfortable driving if that's cool with you."

She giggled, "Girl I'm so happy you insisted because you must really know how much I dislike driving." We both hopped in my car then heading off to the OB/GYN.

"So how is everything going for you at home now that Nick moved back into his own place and its peace and quiet."

I just shrugged my shoulder, "well I mean for one it's lonely, Nick was a little company, someone I could express my emotions to. The only problem I had was when he and Maci got into it and all the noise they made, it's just so unhealthy how they are with each other."

Jessie jerked her head to the side, "gurrllll who is you telling, I mean I'm just so sick and tired of hearing Mai complain about Nick and how she wanna move on but he ain't letting her and that's not true. That man is trying to move on with his new girl and Maci is taking that so hard, I heard that she fought that girl the other day."

"Wow Jessie you lying, I had no idea about that, " I said while placing my hand over my mouth in shock. "why did she do that, Maci got it real bad."

"Who you telling, apparently the new girlfriend told Nick that Maci was a bitter ass baby mama and he used that to throw in her face. She didn't take that well because I heard she ran out of the shop and beat that poor girl's ass, " I started squealing because this tea was hot. "Vanny girl, don't even do that just yet that's not the crazy part, Nick hit Maci because she fought his new girlfriend."

I couldn't believe it, the relationship that was once so perfect and was the best thing to happen to Maci turned out to be the worst. I felt bad for her but the only part I was confused about was the fact that she had a new man, why is she still fighting with Nick.

"Honestly Jess I don't know what to say, I mean when are they gonna get that they aren't good for each other. Someone has to be the bigger person and get help for the sake of them both." we pulled into the parking lot of the OB/GYN and it was only two forty-five, which meant I was going to be on time and I had some time to spare. "Hi my name is Vandrell Lee, I have an appointment with Dr.Brown for three o'clock."

A lady was sitting at the front desk who I assumed was the receptionist, she had to be around twenty-five; no more than that. "Hello, yes I see it right here, you could have a seat over there and the nurse will be out shortly." me and Jessie went over to the chairs that were neatly placed across from her desk.

Jessie started shaking me by the shoulders, "are you excited; I know I am especially the fact that it's for my big brother. I just wish he was here to enjoy this moment you know."

"I am excited about it, but it's going to be hard for me to go through this alone, " before I know it I broke down in tears. "I just can't believe he's gone, Jessie what am I gonna do without him, how am I gonna continue to get by." I guess me trying to be strong and holding back my tears for the past few days finally broke.

She pulled me into her arms, giving me the tightest hug ever and I needed that so badly.

"Vandell Lee, " the nurse called out for me as I wiped the tears from my eyes, When I got to the examination room the young nurse pointed to the seat that was in the corner of the room for me to sit so she could check my vitals. "Ok, miss Lee I just want to put this around your right arm while you relax your left."

After the nurse was done she escorted me into the other room to wait on my doctor. "Is it ok if you ask the young lady I was sitting with to come in here with me please, " I asked the nurse before she walked out.

"sure that shouldn't be a problem."

I heard a light knock on the door and I thought it was Jessie coming in on her own but it was Dr.Brown. "Hi, I'm your OB Dr.brown," he held his hand out waiting for me to shake it. "But I'm sure you already knew that didn't you, I see here on the form you said the father is deceased my condolences, ma'am."

"Thank you, I appreciate it." I really was trying to keep it professional and not have conversations about what happened if he were to ask.

"Ok let's get to it then." he placed the jelly on my stomach and I cringed a little from the coldness. He started to move the probe around my stomach to locate my baby.

"Wow well, what do ya know? , you have two sacks." the echo of the two heartbeats filled the room one after the other, I couldn't believe it.

"Congrats miss Lee your having twins."

Jessie started dancing in her seat, "oh my goodness TWINS, you really having twins." We both were in shock.

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