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Atlanta, GA
November 14th, 2019

Nick B

I peeked my head into the bathroom while Angel was in the shower after her morning jog, "Hey babe, I'm about to leave, I'll be calling you later aight

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I peeked my head into the bathroom while Angel was in the shower after her morning jog, "Hey babe, I'm about to leave, I'll be calling you later aight." Things have been going great for the two of us and I couldn't be happier. Maci even backed off and I really was glad for that cause I don't think I could of take her shit any longer.
I spent the night at Angel's after our little date last night where we made things between us official. This woman was changing a nigga and I couldn't have asked for a better girlfriend than her, she was actually happy to be with me, she loved all the small things I've done for her so far, she even bought me shit instead of me going outta my way and spoiling her.

I had Nikita and Nichole this weekend and tomorrow was the start of a long holiday so I headed over to Maci's house to get them. When I pulled up to her crib I saw that she had company so I just shoot her a text letting her know I was outside waiting.

The front door opened and Gervonta came walking out with the two car seats and their bags. "Sup Lil nigga," he placed the two seats down on the ground next to the car, then held his hand out for me to dab him. I wasn't going to make this the start of no brotherhood or none of that shit because I mean we no longer have nothing in common except for the fact that he fucking my baby momma. Maci was wrong for letting this nigga bring my daughters out to me.

"aight bet, where Maci at I need to talk to her for a sec."

"Oh, she ain't tell you huh, Maci ain't here. She had an emergency at the shop and asked me to look after the girls until you come to pick them up. Aye, they weren't any trouble at all I enjoy spending quality time with them, its like they mines anyway."

If you had cut me at that moment I don't think I would of bleed, this nigga was just flat out disrespecting me. "Nah, last I checked you got one kid don't get my kids confused for yours cause you and Maci got me fucked up." I could have punched that nigga in his shit but what was the chances of me winning a fight with a professional boxer.

I just jumped in my car and headed over to my place cause I know eventually I was gonna have to see Maci and trust me whenever I do it was gonna be a conversation she wasn't gonna forget. She started disrespecting me a lot lately and I realize the only way I was getting to her was when I put my hands on her. I don't wanna beat on her but she just seems to be looking for it, I know her leaving them with that nigga was intentional and I was gonna prove it.

I looked up in my rearview mirror checking on the girls, "hey dada big girls, yall alright in the back there," they just stared back at me innocently and dribbled on the toys they both played with.

I changed my mind about going home, I just couldn't wrap my head around the fact that Maci thought it was ok to leave my two kids, girls at that alone with basically a stranger. That shit just wasn't sitting well with me and I wanted her to get that through her thick ass skull.

When I pulled up to her shop it was loaded with police, glass from her broken shop door was scattered everywhere. I didn't want to take the girls out of the car and have them around there with the glass still falling from the shop door but luckily Tae spotted me, "Why you here, I don't think this the right time for any more of your drama." I just ignored him because I didn't want to argue about anything but at the same time, he was right. As pissed off as I was earlier all of that went out the window I just was feeling bad for her at this point because I know how hard Maci worked to get this shop.

"Wait hold up, what you mean any more of my drama?," I pointed at myself. "You know what, never mind that where is she anyway," he pointed to a devastated Maci who was sitting on the white couch that was placed at the center of the shop, I felt bad, like really bad seeing her in that state and I even felt worse because I honestly came down here with intentions on beating her ass. "Can you keep an eye on them while I go over there and talk with her please." He batted me away indicating that it was cool.

When I walked into the shop I realize that all of the things that were in there were only vandalized nothing was missing from what I could remember. Before I went over to where she was sitting I wanted to talk with the officers who were taking pictures of the damages. "Good day officers, ahh may I ask what went down in here," the two just look at me as if I was some lost boy.
"Um I think it's best you speak with the owner who is sitting right there," one of them pointed at Maci.

I mean what did I expect anyway I know they weren't gonna tell me nothing, "Hey, are you ok." She slowly raised her head up out of her hand and came charging at me, yelling, kicking, and screaming.
"All of this is your fault Nick I told you not to bring that bitch in my office, now look," she started pointing at the shop door. "The thing is I can't say I deserve any of this because I don't, I been leave you the fuck alone, I even apologized to your bitch and that still wasn't good enough she had to come here and fuck with something that means so much to me."

I was confused cause I know damn well she wasn't standing here blaming Angel for what happened to her shop. "Nah Angel ain't gonna do nothing crazy like this, Besides we were together all night so when she was gonna do it?"

She screwed her face up at me, "Don't be dumb, you and I both know she ain't come up here and do this on her own, it's obvious she had some niggas come here and do this shit. And I know she did because that hoe hired two dumb asses at that because one of the niggas left his phone on the glass by the register with a bunch of miss calls from lil sis Angel. Why you up here covering for that girl, huh, or she has you up here scoping out the scene."

I couldn't believe it, every time I escape one big mess with a female I just run right into another. I was in so much in denial, it couldn't be possible she would do something so evil to Maci and then have me clean up her big mess because all of this is making me look bad.

"I ain't gonna stand here and lie to you, I ain't know nothing about what happened here. When I pulled up was when I found out what was going on, besides what the fuck I got against you other than you have that nigga watch my kids. Other than that I could give a fuck about what you doing with your self cause that chapter between me and you is closed."

"I don't want to argue with you today as you could see I have a lot going on right now, what you could do is leave because you are actually privileged to be able to still get your kids. You and your hoe said I'm a bitter baby mama right maybe its time I really start acting like one since that's what y'all want."

If these police weren't here I think I would have snatched her by now, "you just mad cause I moved on get over yourself and stop threatening to keep my kids away from me."

"Nick I'm mad, let's not forget I moved on way before you did. Me being with Gervonta hurt you so badly and we both know it so how the fuck you gonna tell me I'm the one that's mad, before all of this shit today I was doing good, you know what I was doing great but you had to fuck all of that up for me."

Before I could of say anything back to her the same two police officers who were out front grabbed me by my arms, threw me against the shop wall and placed handcuffs on me. "Your under arrest for breaking and entering."

"What the fuck you talking about I ain't had nothing to do with what happened in here, MAI LET THEM KNOW I AIN'T KNOW NOTHING."

She just looked at me and crossed her arms as if I was talking crazy, I couldn't even believe it she actually was letting them lock me up for something I had no clue of. "You wrong, YOUR FUCKING WRONG AND YOU KNOW THAT." I was escorted out the store by the two officers, I couldn't believe she stoops this low. Walking out of the shop in handcuffs was embarrassing and I just held my head low. People were gonna think I did all of this out of jealousy but I ain't even know her shop got broken into but here I am getting carried out for it.

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