{13} ✔️

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Dahlia's POV

The week had dragged on and on, but finally, it's the weekend. Billie and I had barely spoken, Kai had been avoiding the shit out of me, and even the twins were out of school with bad colds. Well, I'm pretty sure they'd felt better after like two days, but why would they come back to school a second before they were forced to?

"You're not wearing that to my party. All my friends are gonna be there." Cora whined as she looked at my outfit. I rolled my eyes as I looked at myself in the mirror. I look fucking good. My outfits simple, a black turtleneck and light blue overalls with black, chunky boots.

"It's not even bad."

"Turtlenecks went out of style in the early two thousands. Overalls? Are you a farmer? And those boots—"

"I will use these boots to jump up and down on your neck if you say anything bad about them. They're my favorite." I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Stop threatening your sister on her birthday, please." Dad popped into the bathroom and put a hand on each of our shoulders, guiding us out. "We're running late to our own party," he sighed. "I have to pee and then we're leaving. Whoever isn't in the car is getting left, even you, Cora."

"If I'm not there why would people show up?" She sassed. He gave her a look. "For the ice cream cake. In the car. Now."

We shoved each other on the way down the stairs and stopped once we saw Denver sitting on the couch, Julia on his lap as they made out. I cringed at how sloppy and disgusting the kiss looked, and at the fact that his hands were gripping her bony ass as her hands yanked at his hair.

"This is the most disgusting thing I've seen since those childbirth videos in health class a few weeks ago." Cora shook her head.

"This—" I pointed at them. "Is exactly what leads to those childbirth videos."

"Stop fucking staring, you freaks. Can't you see I'm busy?" Denver broke away from her only to say that and then his mouth was right back on hers.

I walked out of the house and got into the car while Cora continued to annoy Denver until dad came out of the bathroom and told them all to get into the car too. It was an awkward thirty-minute ride. Cora was smart enough to sit in the passenger seat so I was forced to be squished up against the door as I tried to steer clear of Denver and Julia's roaming hands. I tried to ignore him sliding his hand up her thigh and her 'accidentally' touching his little Den.

I stared at my phone for the majority of the ride and I was the first one out of the car when we got to the venue Cora had handpicked for her party.

It was a small little building practically in the middle of nowhere, but it's super cute and it's been decorated nicely with fairy lights hanging both inside and outside of it. It's also surrounded by a large field where there are about ten horses. The man who lives closest to this little building, Mr. Elkins, was nice enough to offer to let us ride some of his and his buddies' horses for free because apparently, 15 is his favorite and luckiest number and Cora had practically begged when she saw his favorite horse, a jet black one with a blonde tail, Kitty. He told us we could all take turns riding the horses as long as we treated them well and promised not to get the law involved if anyone happened to fall off and get hurt.

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