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A/N: Can not believe I've written 25 chapters in 6 days. I'm insane sometimes. I'm gonna have to limit myself to updating this book at the very most once a day though just in case I get writer's block in the future.

Dahlia's POV

"If you don't want people figuring out that you still like pussy then maybe you should take your fucking hand off my thigh," I whisper yelled as I shoved Kai's hand off of me and then stared at Mrs. Baker's terrible handwriting, trying to decipher what the fuck she'd written on the board.

"If you don't want people figuring out that you were abused as a wee little bitch, I suggest you check your tone." She spat. I clenched my jaw and kept my mouth shut as I continued to stare forward, my eyes closing tightly as I felt her slimy little hand finding its way back to my thigh. "You're not a good actress, either. Stop pretending you don't like this." She laughed.

"Do you two want to share with the class?" Mrs. Baker spat, looking toward us. I shrugged, not in the mood for her bullshit.

"No." I muttered.

"Are you sure, Dahlia? It's been made clear within the last week or so just how much you like attention."

Right. So I'm guessing she saw the picture as well. Of course she had. Everyone has. Kai giggled and I tried to keep myself from standing up and throwing a desk at both their heads.

"Did you ever get around to fixing things with your husb—ex-husband?" I growled, correcting myself quickly. Her mouth fell open and her face grew red as I stood up and slung my backpack over my shoulder. "Go to the office, now!" She screamed.

"Where the fuck do you think I'm heading?" I rolled my eyes before slamming her classroom door behind me.

I trudged to the office, not too worried about the detention I'll most likely get. I've got bigger problems. I snatched my phone out of my pocket and called Billie quickly. She picked up after a few rings.

"Do I need to pull up?" She asked before I could even say hello. I laughed, already in a better mood than I was before.

"No, I'm fine I'm just annoyed and I wanted to hear your voice. What are you up to today?"

"Watching the office. Getting suspended was the best thing to ever happen to me. It feels like I'm on summer break again! After I finish this episode I'm going to get ice cream."

"I'm glad you're having fun during your punishment." I joked.

"How is everything at school? Is Kai bothering you any?"

I paused for a moment, trying not to make it obvious that I was just thinking of what to say, so I pretended to talk to someone while holding the phone a little away from me.

She'll know I'm lying if I say Kai's left me alone completely, but if I tell her she's been bothering me she'll get mad and try to confront her.

I don't know what to do about this whole situation. I can hide what's happening for right now because Billie's not in school, but she comes back next week and then what?

"Sorry about that, ugh, Kai is a little bitch but she hasn't been that bad," I mumbled. "Mrs. Baker sent me to the office so I have to go."

"Okay...We'll talk later?"

"Yeah. Bye!"

I hung up quickly before rubbing my temples. I hate everything about this.


"This gravy is superb." Caden shook his head as he smacked loudly. "I want the recipe."

"You wouldn't know how to make it even if you had it. You can't even boil water without almost burning the house down." Cadence rolled her eyes before stabbing her salad repeatedly with her fork.

"She's just pissed because she's still on that stupid diet and she can't have any of this deliciousness," Caden smirked. "You two are ridiculous. You should just eat whatever you want and not give a fuck about it."

"Easy for you to say. You get plenty of exercise so you can work off all that food. We don't do much." I huffed.

"You guys play the Wii all the time. That's a workout."

"Shut up, nuts for brains." Cadence threw a slice of cucumber at him before looking at me. "Dahlia, its time for us to stop beating around the bush. What the fuck is tea? What's up with you and Kai? Why is she still hanging all over you like she didn't betray the fuck out of you just last week?"

"It's complicated." I muttered.

"Complicated how?"

"Complicated as in I don't want to talk about it." I pleaded with her with my eyes and she sighed before getting quiet again. We ate the rest of our lunch in total silence, other than when Caden would let out a loud, satisfied moan and talk about how flavorful his stupid lunch was every now and then.

When it was time to go to fifth period, Caden left the lunchroom as Cadence stopped me. "I don't know what's going on with you two, but I do know that she must be threatening you with something else if you're still hanging around her. Whatever it is, I'm sure you can handle it. She leaked your whole fucking nude and you've already gotten over that pretty quickly."

She's right, I have. I'm still pissed about it and still disgusted at the fact that all my classmates have seen me like that, but it isn't so bad now. Things had gone back to normal pretty quickly, actually. I'd owned up to what happened and as soon as I did, people seemed to stop caring.

"You know me and Caden have your back. You know Billie does too. Whatever she's doing isn't going to work."

She walked off after that and I sighed. I wish.

Don't Hug Me I'm Scared {Billie Eilish}Where stories live. Discover now