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A/N: Smut warning 🤗

Also this is a long chapter. 7000+ words

Dahlia's POV

"Can I buy you a drink?"

"I'm gay, into girls, into pussy, can't be changed, not willing to experiment, not in the mood for bullshit, not in the mood to hold a conversation, miserable and not gonna fuck you. I'd love for you to buy me a drink because I didn't bring my own money, but there's really no point because you won't get shit from it." I explained monotonously to the fifth guy in a row.

He shrugged and sat down beside me, ordering a drink for me anyway. "Seems like you could use it."

I downed my drink as soon as it was placed in front of me and then watched as the guy got up and walked to the other side of the bar to flirt with another girl.

I couldn't stay at that stupid hotel.

I didn't feel like dealing with my friends' questions or their sympathy or their trying to convince me to get back with Billie. I couldn't deal with Billie herself. I didn't wanna be in the same room with her, I didn't wanna be in the same area as her, I didn't wanna see her or talk to her or smell her or feel her or anything else.

I turned my phone off and roamed around for about four hours before coming here. My feet are sore as fuck, cause obviously, I walked.

To be honest, I don't have any idea where I am. I wasn't exactly paying attention to where I was going and I walked for a really, really long time until I ended up in this bar.

I'm not too concerned. I have a GPS on my phone and I'll use it whenever I decide I wanna go back to that stupid hotel.

For now, I'm just sitting in this stupid bar, staring at the wall and waiting for someone to come sit next to me, try to flirt with me and offer to buy me a drink. It's the only way I can get anything because as I mentioned before, I didn't bring any money.

I've been here for three hours and I'm only semi wasted. I bet if I'd been wearing something sexier when I stormed out earlier, I would be piss drunk by now.

"Damn, you look like you're going through it."

I glanced out of the corner of my eye at the girl who'd taken a seat next to me. "You too." I mumbled. She looked just as miserable as me.

"My boyfriend and I broke up." She sighed.

"My girlfriend and I broke up." I shrugged. "Are you gonna offer to buy me a drink?"

"Well, I wasn't going to, but I can."

"That'd be cool." I muttered.

She ordered us some some shots of vodka and I mumbled a quiet thank you before resting my elbow on the bar.

"What's your breakup playlist like? I need new suggestions." She said after a while. I sighed as I tried to remember some of the songs on it.

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