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Dahlia's POV

I groaned as I tried to move and then immediately stopped after I felt my back being scratched by the harsh pavement. It took me a while to open my eyes, but when I finally did I regretted it quickly. My head was throbbing and it literally felt like it'd explode any second now. The longer I was conscious, the more I realized just how much my entire body hurt.

Everything was burning, sore, and throbbing. My head and stomach especially. For a second, I questioned what the hell happened to me. Then I remembered exactly what happened. Kai and her flock of bitches.

I groaned as I slowly moved my arm, searching for my phone without actually looking. As I should've figured, it was in my pocket. I narrowed my eyes as I turned the brightness all the way down and then tried to focus on the screen, but everything was so damn blurry.

I blinked a few times, trying to make my vision better, but it didn't work. I read the best I could with my sight being blurry and let out another groan as I noticed texts from several different people.

2 texts from my dad
6 texts from Denny
2 texts from Cora
5 texts from Caden
3 texts from Cadence
7 texts from Billie
1 text from Kai

I opened Kai's first. It was a three-minute long video.

I pressed play and turned the volume on my phone up, wincing as the sound filled the air.

"So then her fucking crazy ass mom is all drunk right? And she's like, 'oh my god I can't believe I did that to my own kids.'" She mocked before laughing loudly along with the other four people in the video. "And I'm like, dude I barely even know you, are you serious right now? Anyways, she went on and on and on, whining and shit. The craziest thing she said though? 'I didn't mean to hit them, I'd just get so upset! I told them when mommy gets upset—" I quickly turned the video off to avoid hearing the rest of it.

I'm sure this was Kai's way of telling me that she'd told everyone by now about what went on in my childhood.

I didn't cry or get angry or even think about it as I turned to look at the other messages.

Denny said you're not home yet. Are you okay? 6:23 pm

You're not with Caden and Cadence? Where are you? 7:45 pm

Yo, Denver is freaking out right now. Where the fuck are you? 5:49 pm

You better not be dead, bitch. 8:19 pm

I read the rest of the texts from the twins and Denny, sighing as I tried to figure out what to reply. I couldn't think of anything, so I just left them on read before clicking on Billie's texts.

Can we talk about earlier? Shouldn't have kicked you out like that. 3:16 pm

I know you're probably mad. I'm still fucking mad too to be honest, but I wanna talk about it. 4:27 pm

I get it if you don't wanna talk to me but your brother is texting me and he's worried. Where are you at right now? 5:13 pm

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