{19} ✔️

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Billie's POV

Dahlia's hysterical laughter turned into hysterical sobbing and then back to hysterical laughter every few minutes for at least an hour until she went from that to falling asleep and then jolting awake and then falling asleep and then jolting awake.

After I'd gotten here, she'd explained everything after calming down. From the Facebook post to what she and her mom had said to each other today to what her mom had done to her and her siblings when they were younger to what her dad had said to her mom. I can't even begin to imagine going through any of that. It was overwhelming for me to even just sit there and listen. None of it sounded real, and it all sounded terrible.

Dahlia had been forced to tell her family about what was going on, and it was awkward and she was obviously very embarrassed and ashamed, but they were really understanding. She'd talked with her dad about the whole thing for a couple hours and that seemed to uplift her for a short time before she was back to crying hysterically.

Now we're in her room. 1:30 am, now officially Sunday. The walking dead playing on the tv, but neither of us are watching. Dahlia's too busy scrolling through all the comments on Kai's stupid post to pay attention to anything. I sighed as I leaned over to read with her.

Wow I had no idea she was gay!

You're really wrong for this, Kai. You shouldn't have outed her or posted this pic. Smh delete this.

Damn Billie beat yo fuckin ass up. I can't believe you were able to type after the way she stomped on ur head lmaooo


At least her tits are nice ?

Literally why would you post something like this? Not only is it wrong for all the obvious reasons, but damn bitch yo whole family on Facebook. Weirdo shit.

How she gonna cheat on you like that? You're literally amazing.

The comments just went on and on, and Dahlia read every one. I wish she'd stop, but she refused.

"This has been the worst day of my life, probably." She mumbled after a while. I squeezed her tighter than I already was in response. "Billie, can I ask you something?"

"Of course." I nodded.

"I know this situation is already shitty and maybe I should just let everything calm down before I react but...If I knew a way to get back at Kai, would you help me?"

"Absolutely." I grinned.

"Well, when I think of one I'll definitely be letting you know."


Dahlia's POV

I woke up around noon and Billie was still asleep so I decided to get up and take a shower. After grabbing a pair of sweats and a tee shirt, I went into the bathroom and turned the water on to let it heat up.

Don't Hug Me I'm Scared {Billie Eilish}Where stories live. Discover now