We were too young (Deacury)

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Freddie's POV:

It couldn't be happening. We were too young. We weren't ready. We had still too much thing to do. I wasn't ready for that.

We never talked about having a baby. John was still with Veronica. We just had a one night stand. He said he loved me but that he couldn't break up with her. He couldn't break her heart. Does that gave him the right to break mine?

I didn't know how to feel about this. I thought that maybe John and I would be closer if we had a baby. I had to tell him. I called him.

"Hey Freddie! How are you?" he asked.

"Huh, good. I have some news." I said.

"I have too!" he said.

"You can begin!" I said getting more nervous by the second.

"Veronica and I are expecting a baby!" he said.

I could feel my heart stop beating. I felt broken. There was no chance for us anymore.

"Freddie are you still here?" he asked.

"Y-yeah." I said.

"She's already at 16 weeks. She waited to know the gender to tell me! I'm having a little boy!" he said sounding excited.

"That's cool..." I said.

"Are you okay Freddie?" he asked.

"Yes. I have to go." I answered.

"But you didn't tell me what was your ne-" he started to say but I hung up.

I couldn't believe it. What was I gonna do?

"This is gonna be just us." I said sighing.

4 months later

I tried almost every weeks to talk to John about the little baby growing inside of me. He always had an excuse and it was always about Veronica or his baby. Well, Veronica's baby.

My baby bump was showing a bit. That's why I didn't went out often. When I did, I was wearing baggy shirts.

I saw only a few times Brian and Roger in four months. The only time I did is when I asked them to hang out and when we had to record and we didn't a lot. I was feeling very lonely but I had my baby.

I was having a baby girl. I had gone to an appointment yesterday and I found it out. I was really happy but, I wished that John would have been with him.

I decided to call John a last time and if he didn't want to hang out with me, I'm gonna give up.

"Hey Freddie!" John said.

"Hey John! I still need to talk to you. Its really important. Could we hang out please?" I asked.

"I'm sorry Freddie, I have an appointment today for the baby. Maybe an other day." he said.

"John, that's what you're saying everyday I call you." I said sighing.

"Well, I'm really busy and I need to be constantly with Veronica." he said.

"Whatever." I said while I hung up.

I was tired of trying. He couldn't find one minute for me. I gave up. I was gonna tell him when it was the time to.

1 month later

I was happy. I woke up and my baby girl was kicking in my stomach. Jerry was curled up in a ball, sleeping beside me. I got up and dressed.

I walked down the stairs when I saw Delilah sleeping on one of them. I tried to wake her and pull her away but she wouldn't. I just tried to miss a stair but I slipped and fell. Luckily I was only at three or four stairs from the first floor.

Freddie Mercury one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now