It's Gonna Be A Lonely Christmas (Frian)

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I know you must be thinking, why the fuck did she post a Christmas one shot at this time of the year? Well, honestly I just had this idea and didn't feel like waiting to write it.

So, enjoy!

3rd person's POV:

They were all sat in the living room, chatting about anything that came to their mind. They could talk for hours without lacking any subjects to talk about. They considered themselves as family. They all were brothers, and they had never been so close with anyone before.

Their champagne glasses were halfway filled, the liquid already had been sipped away the few minutes before. They had popped it open for Christmas, because they knew they probably wouldn't all be together the real day. Usually, one or two of them went away to their families for the occasion. So they made sure they wouldn't lose the opportunity to at least party a bit together.

The radio was opened, Christmas songs filled the room and all of their bodies with happiness and peacefulness. The laughs exploded through the room one minute to another, adding to the perfect Christmas spirit. It was the favorite holiday of every single men in the room. They loved to be able to spend some time closely to their loved ones, no matter if it was with their close friends or their family, which they went to see rarely during the year because of their charged agenda.

This year, they had separately decided to all go visit their families. Everyone, but one of them. The past months had been the worst they had since a long time and they barely saw their parents and siblings anymore. And that was why they decided to not spend Christmas with their friends this time.

Unfortunately, Freddie didn't get the chance to. His relation with his family was in a way complicated and in another, easy. They didn't like who he had become and who he truly was. So he preferred to just stop talking to them, because he thought it was better for everyone. He didn't need more criticising people in his life.

"So, who's staying at the flat this year?" Roger suddenly asked.

Freddie's hand flew slightly up with a shy smile on his face. But his smile faded away when he looked at his three friends and realised that none of them had lifted their hand. A small lump formed in his belly, growing more and more painful. He covered the sadness by a small laugh.

"Looks like I'll be the only one!" He exclaimed jokingly, but they all saw through it.

"Mary didn't invite you at her parent's house this year?" John asked with slight worry hearable in his voice.

Even after their breakup, Mary and Freddie talked a lot. She invited him a few time for Christmas at her parent's because she knew it could sometimes feel lonely at home. Freddie was incredibly grateful for her to do that for him each time.

"No, she didn't call of all the three last months actually. But it's fine, she has her life. I can't keep bringing her down with me." A flash of hurt passed in his eyes, but Freddie quickly covered it by taking a sip of champagne.

"Will- Will you be okay on your own?" Brian asked only a bit quietly as he was almost ashamed of the situation, of leaving alone on Christmas his best friend. The one that absolutely hated being alone even for only an hour.

"I'll be fine, dears! Just go have fun with your families and don't forget to think of me when you'll drink champagne." Freddie said with a playful smirk.

The three other boys still couldn't help but feel guilty. They all knew Freddie enough to figure out that he wasn't that joyful about it. Who could be joyous about being alone on Christmas anyway? And it was worse for Freddie, who liked to be surrounded by his friends at any hour of the day and under every circumstances.

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