He Loves Me (Part 2) (Frian)

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This part 2 was made because the first part didn't really end clearly. So this part starts just before the last incident with Bill. I'm sorry it's been such a while since I posted my loves! I just REALLY wasn't in the mood to right. I think I'm better now!

Enjoy! <3

3rd person's POV:

Brian's head was all over the place. He couldn't help but think about it again. He couldn't help but remember how Freddie used to act just before everything turned into a mess. How happy he seemed to be. He really had ruined everything good they had.


The music was only a faint sound. The guitarist immediately recognised it. He knew his boyfriend loved it so much. And truly, Brian wished he wrote it, because it said everything he felt for Freddie. It described perfectly the amount of love he felt toward the shy singer.

"You're just too good to be true. Can't take my eyes off of you." The British man smiled at the sound of his lover's singing.

He removed his coat and shoes. As quietly as possible, he walked toward the sounds, very clearly coming from the kitchen. When he finally saw what was exactly happening, he couldn't help but stare. The older man looked utterly beautiful, dancing and singing with the sun shining on him, like a spotlight only lighting him up.

The Persian smiled when he realised his boyfriend was standing near to him. He put his arms around his neck and brought their lips together in a sweet kiss. The pianist took them both to the living room, he pushed the younger on the couch, Freddie sitting himself up on his lap. He never wanted their lips to separate.

"I love you so fucking much, Brian." He whispered with the biggest smile on his face.

"What has gotten into you?" The other laughed, but he couldn't complain about it, he loved it when his boyfriend acted this way.

The smaller man shrugged with a grin laying on his lips. He only brought his body closer and so tightly wrapped his arms around the chest of the man he loved. He felt good like that, warm and loved. He felt like nothing could ruin that ever again.

"I needed to talk to you, Freddie. It's important."

He didn't move.

"I'm serious, Freddie. We really need to talk." Brian said quietly.

Freddie pulled away. He looked in Brian's eyes worriedly. He always could read so well in his eyes, understanding exactly what he was thinking. But this time he saw nothing. His stomach churned, he could feel there was something, something bad was involved.

"What wrong?" He asked almost silently.

The frown didn't leave his face. He stared, waiting to be answered finally. He wanted it to be done, so they could move on and they could continue their cuddle moment. So they could go and prepare dinner and it eat it while watching some stupid tv show.

"I'm sorry, Freddie." It was always a bad thing when the first thing coming out was an apology.

"I cheated on you." He whispered.

He barely had any time to say anything before he was interrupted.

"Of course."


When the tall man bursted out in the room, he felt his heart burst out too, but not in a good way. Freddie looked so scared, but he was immobile. He let his boyfriend hurt him, take all the life out of him, and he didn't bulge. Bill's hands around the musician's neck wouldn't have let him move anyway.

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