Should have waited for me (Deacury)

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Freddie's POV:

"I'm fucking done with you and your shit! I can't fucking do this anymore. I can't live with you when you don't care or even think about me anymore. Its the end. You've gone too far."

He took all his things and walked through the door, taking my whole heart with him. I wanted to scream but I couldn't. Nothing more than tears came out of my body.

I knew it was all my fault. I knew I was the one in the wrong. He had every right to leave me. Each of his reasons were good. But it didn't stop my heart from hurting. And it hurted so much.

I had been doing drugs and drinking for a while. I would go out almost every day. I wasn't caring about him or myself anymore. John kept telling me to stop, but I didn't listen to him. And now, I was alone.

I didn't get to sleep that night, and the five nights after. I couldn't sleep without the warm of his body. I tried to console myself, feeling the little life in my stomach. The one that John didn't know about. The one that John would probably never know about because of me.

I went a few times to the studio, hoping to see either Brian or Roger, but after five times, it was completely empty.

I tried to call them countless times. After a few weeks, the number didn't exist anymore. I tried everything I could. I went to Brian and Roger's house a few times. I knocked on their door. After one month, it finally opened. A young woman opened the door.

"Are Brian and Roger here?" I asked her.

"The ones that sold us the house? They don't live here anymore sweety!"

The last sentence killed me. That's when I understood that it was the end. That I wouldn't see any of them ever again. That day, I went back home, I didn't know if it was even home anymore. I think that's when I began feeling numb.

My life was ruined. I had one thing left. And it was my baby. Everyday was being harder and harder. Without John, I was nothing. I should have told him before. I should have told him the real reason. Because, I wasn't doing the drugs and the drinks for fun, I couldn't live without them. Ever since John and I had started dating, I felt completely worthless. John was always so perfect, so sexy, so sweet, so beautiful. Then, there was me. And I was none of that. So the drugs and the drinks helped me forget about it, about how much he deserved better. But in the end, I lost him too.

What really happened before John left, is that we made love two days before. That's when our little baby was created. I almost already knew I was pregnant. I took the test, it was positive. I stopeed doing drugs for the safety of my baby. The day after, John left me a note. He told me he was going to Brian and Roger's house. He wrote that he was gonna come back before dinner, he ended up arriving at 1 a.m. I was already asleep. The next morning, I found John in the living room, ready to leave without telling me anything. I begged him to stay, but he had already made his decision.

A few months after he left, I decided to tell my parents about everything. I went to their house. The door opened, as soon as my dad saw my stomach, the door slammed in my face. I closed my eyes a few seconds, hoping that when I would open them everyone would be back. But it wasn't a dream.

I tried to surpass the tears. But they fell one by one on my face. I put my hands on my belly. I felt the baby move more than usual. It made me feel so much better. I loved them with all my heart. I couldn't wait to meet them.

A few weeks later, I got told I was having a boy. My little baby boy. I already was falling in love with him. I just wished John was with me to live all of this. We always wanted a family together. But I ruined everything. Like I do with everything.

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