In Only Seven Days (Deacury)

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I'm sorry guys if this chapter is too long, but I got carried away in this! I'm in love with those cuties!

Freddie's POV:

"I'll be leaving tomorrow."

He was right, but I couldn't believe he was. I didn't want him to leave me. I didn't want to be left alone again. I loved him. I wanted him to go and travel the world and live with me. I wanted him to marry me one day, to have kids with me. But today, we were standing in front of each other, knowing we probably would never see each other again.

Seven days ago

I walked to my hotel room, a suitcase in one hand, the key in the other. My head ached from the trip in the airplane. I had the room 309. I unlocked my door with difficulty, hearing people arguing from the room beside mine. It didn't help my headache at all. I sighed deeply when I finally managed to open my door and enter the room. I closed the door behind me, gratefully enjoying the silence.

I had come on a vacation to Ibiza to get away from my work and my problems. I really needed to relax. I was a really popular and praised clothes designer. These past weeks, it had been really hectic. I had dozens of contracts and it made me extremely tense. I just needed to forget about it for a little while.

I had also problems with my ex-wife Mary. We had gone through a divorce not long ago and things were pretty heated. She still wanted to keep our little baby cats, but I wasn't giving them to her in any way. I loved them too much for that. That's why she kept calling and I couldn't have a moment of calm.

It was already 8 pm. I had eaten on the plane and I wasn't hungry yet. I decided that maybe I could go to the beach. It was perfectly warm outside. I changed myself from my clothes for the plane to slightly more adequate clothes to go to the beach. In not more than 10 minutes, I was changed and out of the room, ready to go outside. I locked my door and put my key in my back pocket with my wallet.

I walked out of the hotel and I was hit by a warm and comfortable breeze. I smiled slightly at the beautiful weather and sight in front of me. The hotel was directly facing the beach. The sky was orange and pink near to the sea. I walked to the boardwalk. The wooden boards were all damaged by the time. When I finally reached the sand, I removed my sandals to feel the warmness on my feet.

I was looking on the floor from the beginning, but when I lifted my eyes, I saw a man, standing with his feet in the water. His long and fluffy looking hair was flowing in the wind. His pants were lifted to his calf to protect them from the water. I couldn't see his face as he was staring right at the see, but he already looked like an angel. I took all the confidence I had and I walked more quickly, planning on going to talk to him. After a couple of other steps, I reached him.

"H-Hey..." I said while getting slightly nervous.

"It's beautiful tonight, isn't it?" I said looking at him.

He turned his head to look at me. He smiled sweetly. I could see all his teeth. I noticed the gap between his ones in the front. It made him so bloody pretty. He had soft eyes and they were lit by the almost hidden sun. I looked again at his hair. I wanted to pass my hand in them because of how beautiful they looked. He really looked like an angel.

"It really is." He said quietly.

His voice was soft and delicate. It looked like it could fade away at any moment. I continued to slightly stare at him for a few moments. I noticed his cheeks turned into a deep shade of pink. He must have thought I was crazy, looking at him like that while I didn't even know him. But I didn't care. It was like any of my last worries we're gone. I felt calm and happy by his side. By the side of a man I only exchanged a few words and I didn't know anything of. It just felt right.

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