Episode 0

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"So this is the place, huh?" I say as I stare at the gigantic Island of Hono Town.

"Well better get to unpacking eh mom?" Of course she can't hear me, but at least I like to imagine that she can. After a few hours of boring (and tiring as hell) unpacking I start to realize that our small little shack in the slums has no electricity... Fuck... me. "Sorry mom, you're gonna be in a shitty hole for a bit until we get a better house" I say as I wheel her hospital bed to the cleanest corner of the room.

Then, I start to bring in the multiple cases of medical equipment. It's normal stuff IV's, blood packs, her medication, syringes, and a heart-rate monitor that was supposed to run off the wall socket (of which we don't have).

I sigh as I take the time to sit down on the decaying wooden flooring and let my muscles relax. "Fuck me, already?" I say as I look towards the battery operated clock showing 20:47. "Well I guess moving from another country takes time.

I'm going to go wash up for bed, got school in the morning you know?"

Again, silence as I pull the linen sheets over my mother's shivering body. "Alright, well I don't see a shower or sink anywhere so I'm gonna look around town to see if anyone actually has enough money to afford one. Night mom... I love you." I turn off the lights and lay out the suprisingly comfy futon from the closet for when I get back from my "water scrounging".

I see a giant sign declaring "Mankanshoku Back-Alley Clinic"..... Yeah I may want to avoid getting sick... But, at the same time they're doctors right they must have some money...right? Putting on the most respectable face I have I knock on the door.

As the door opens I am greeted by a slightly chubby man with a very big chin who then proceeds to scare the shit out of me by yelling "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT IT'S ALMOST 9 PM AND MY FAMILY IS TRYING TO EAT!"

Gathering as much courage as possible I ask the man "I'm sorry to wake you up sir, but I'm new to town and my house has no water... Is it okay if I use your shower?" Taking a COMPLETE 180 FROM HOW HE SOUNDED the man responds in a calm demeanor "Oh... Yeah sure go ahead kid but, it ain't warm."

"Thank you sir" I responded. As I walk by I see a family of 4 and a dog except... their daughter is wearing a Honnoji Academy uniform. I thought that all Honoji students were wealthy? Why is she here? "Excuse me again, but does your daughter attend Honnoji Academy?" I reluctantly ask. "Of course she does she's wearing the uniform isn't she?" I respond with "Then why are you living here in the slums?"

The girl wearing the uniform peaks up "Because there are a lot of strong students at Honnoji Academy, and the stronger you get the more stars you earn and the more stars you get the better you live but i don't have stars so we live here butIlikeithereanyways becauseIlovemyfamilyand heyareyounew?becauseyoulooknew tomeareyougoingtoschoolhere?"

She speaks so fast that I have no idea what she's saying. I slowly back away and get in the shower to avoid conversation with her. As I stand in the shower I start thinking about what she said... Stars get you a better life huh? Then that's how I'll get mom better. Thank christ I met these people before those supplies I stole ran out.

Alright well now I know how to get us the best life and how to get mom cured. And I get to beat the shit out of people in the process? Fuck....Yes.

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