Episode 1

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"HOLY SHIT THAT IS A LOT OF PAPERWORK" I say aloud to a very tall man wearing a three-star goku uniform.

He responds by somehow becoming even louder than me and retorting "AS A NEW CLUB PRESIDENT YOU SHOULD UPHOLD THE RULES OF HONNOJI ACADEMY TO A T! Including the NO SWEARING POLICY!"

"Y-YES SIR" I respond as the mere presence of this tower of a human being makes my new two-star uniform quake in my hands. Or is his voice releasing such a heavy soundwave that the ground is quaking around me?

I'm not even sure as "Lady Satsuki's impenetrable shield" Ira Gamagori is a giant of what I'm fairly positive any living being would consider a man.

"Now listen up. As you know y/l you being a club leader is a serious responsibility that requires you..."

The Disciplinary Committee Chair then continued to rattle off so many rules that I couldn't remember them if he pointed a gun to my head. At least until a giant crash stopped our conversation. We heard someone callout "Hey! Some kid stole a goku uniform!!"

I could have sworn I was going crazy from some kind of shock, because the next thing I saw was a very angry disciplinary chair somehow grow a foot taller. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!" He shouted into the hallway.

"Sir a no-star student grabbed a one-star uniform and just started sprinting with it!"

I was starting to check my pulse to see if I was still living because at that moment the disciplinary chair punched a gigantic hole in the wall and started laughing.


He then proceeded to jump out of said hole while continuing to laugh... At this point I'm not even fazed by Mako anymore...



I was wondering when she'd show up...

I dodged the feisty Mankanshoku right before she attempted to pummel me with one of her trademarked tackle hugs. Feeling the new power of the two-stars on my collar I dodged out of the way rather easily.

"Awww... no fair you have that new two-star goku uniform to help you dodge me now..."

"Mako you do realize that I'm now the captain of the martial arts club right?"

"Yeah but what does the martial arts club have to do with hugs?"

And there's her trademarked selective hearing. But at least she's a fun kind of airhead.

"Well what are you doing here? Don't you have class?"

"Not right now cause there's this new girl Ryuko Matoi and she's my bestie and she just badmouthed Lady Satsuki."


"Mako how the hell did you get sugar? I know damn well you're to poor to buy it."

"No I'm serious come look outside!" She spouted out before tugging on my hand so hard I could feel my new two-star uniform tearing at the sleeves already.

"Okay fine... Knowing this school I may just believe you."

As I tried to keep up with a very fast Mako the sudden thought of someone challenging Lady Satsuki itself came into my head. How the hell would you even do that? Yesterday I watched a goddamn giant MAKE a fucking window, jump out of it, and beat the shit out of some random kid so hard he put an indent in the school walls. And now that same kid is hanging from the entrance, naked with a sign declaring him a pig.

As me and Mako approached the growing croud of people I started noticing people wearing one-star uniforms being tossed like tomatoes at a bad stage play. Except they weren't covered in ketchup... And that's when I saw her.

She was kinda pale with blue eyes and a red streak seperating her short black hair. She was dressed in a biker chick-esque outfit and holding... a... giant scissor blade?

Seeing as the bodies stopped rushing her she immeadietly charged at Lady Satsuki screaming


As she finished saying that she immediately got punched in the gut by the captain of the boxing club Takahara Fukuroda. Can't say I expected anything different to happen. EXCEPT FOR THE FACT THAT SHE GOT BACK UP.

She then charged the two-star wearing boxing champion with her scissor, which then immeadietly bounced off because of course life fibers are stronger than whatever that blade is made of.

"Wow she's really trying isn't she y/n."

"Yeah I'm suprised she got up at all. She's extremely feisty (AND EXTREMELY FUCKING CUTE!)."

As I heard the words in my head I felt really strange... It's almost like I meant every word... except I didn't say it? I didn't have any time to think about the weird experience before Ryuko got pummeled into the ground by Fukuroda and... STARTED GETTING BACK UP AGAIN?!

"Tell me... what you know!" Said Ryuko before Fukuroda immeadietly shut her mouth to stop her interaction with Lady Satsuki saying that "You don't deserve to talk to Lady Satsuki."

"Take away her blade"

"At once my lady"

As Fukuroda turned around the battered Ryuko continued to somehow keep standing muttering "You'll never take this away from me... NEVER!"

She then proceeded to flail around the boxer before immeadietly blinding him with dirt and running away on some poor delivery guy's bike.


I then saw her zoom back around and drop off a container of food from the back of the bike.

"Thank you"

I guess she isn't that mean.

"YOU'VE ALL SEEN ENOUGH GET BACK TO CLASS NOW" said the towering giant that is Gamagori to the still bleeding students and onlookers.

We hastily replied "YES SIR" before sprinting back to the classrooms we were never supposed to leave.

I wanted to meet her again so badly. I looked around town for her at every district except the three-star until I realized it was time for me to head home and tend to mom. I swear I'll find her tomorrow. If I don't I'm fairly positive she won't live long enough for me to even see her again.

Funnily enough I also didn't see Mako around town either... I'm sure she's fine...

AUTHORS NOTE: Holy hell does this stuff take long to write. Hello I am a new writer so I'll take any criticism given to me in hopes that I'll get better and I'm sorry to cut up these chapters but I'm having to rewatch all of Kill la kill to follow the story and somehow add my own characters in their somehow. But yes expect many .5s fron this series and sorry to those who were expecting immediate love confrontation from the reader and Ryuko.

Hope you enjoyed it!

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