Episode 4

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................ What the hell feels so soft? Wait a minute... Where the hell am I? I wake up in a dark room inside some house with white walls, a single dresser with a coat hanger, and a window. I look outside and realize it's extremely early in the morning and... I take a big whiff through my nose.

"SNIIIIIIIIIIFFFF..... Mankanshoku...." I look around and realize I'm in the Mankanshoku back-alley clinic. Specifically the bedroom where everyone sleeps. How the hell did I end up here again? At this moment I feel a nudge against my shoulder as I realize I'm in a very cramped futon... WITH SOMEONE ELSE IN IT! Oh it's probably just Mataro or something I mean it's not like they'd lump me in here with Mako or something. Though this futon is extremely comfortable considering the money they have or should I say 'lack there of'.

Well I should probably get out of here before- I feel a pain in my chest as I look down and notice a few black marks on my chest and stomach along with some bandaging on my legs. I guess they must've helped me out and brought me back here after Ryuko's fight with Lady Satsuki. And not gonna lie for a back alley doctor with a mortality rate of seventy five percent Barazo did a pretty good job on these bandages.

I then feel Mataro grab onto the left side of my body. Oh goddamit I don't want to wake him up... Not after last time... I recall visions of broken walls and multiple roars of different animals chasing me down the road... I shudder as I slowly lift up the futon to try and ease the sleeping beast off of my arm.

I decide to calm myself by speaking softly out loud. "Okay Y/n... You've got a live animal on your arm it's just like disarming a bomb... Except the bomb is alive... And is actually worse than a bomb... Well maybe not as bad but definitely at the same risk if not-" I pause as I raise the futon to notice a girl... With a red streak in her hair... Snoring so softly and cutely that I couldn't stop myself from smiling at hiw adorable she was... WAIT FUCK RYUKO'S IN MY FUTON! OR AM I IN HERS?! WHO FUCKING CARES ANYMORE, WHO LET THIS HAPPEN!

Ryuko slowly pulls herself closer to me with her arms going around my chest pulling me into a hug with a soft smile on her face. I feel her wrap her legs around mine as her I start to feel her cheek on my shoulder and TWO FUCKING MELONS ON MY ARM! OH CHRIST THIS IS BAD! I can't move my body anymore as she essentially has me in a soft, comfortable, vice grip around my shirtless body! So... this is how I die... With a nuclear warhead in bunny jammies? on my arm... surrounded by vicious tripmines... I feel like I'm in a goddamn war movie being played by Jim Carrey... Where the plot is to outrun the Japanese except Jim Carrey's only line is to silently scream while slowly being surrounded by soldiers who can obviously hear his screams, except they play along with it cause they want to humor him. This is THAT kind of helpless.

All of a sudden Ryuko starts shaking with a worried look on her face. Is she having a nightmare? Oh well... I'm fucked anyways might as well help ber out somewhat before I die. I hear noble actions get you a better seat in heaven. I slowly turn on my side and hug Ryuko closer to me. As I feel her breath on my cheek start to slow I ease up our hug. Well at least that's taken care of. All of a sudden I hear some kind of muffled speech? Coming from outside the house.

"(....gurgle.... Please!.... gurgle... Stop!)"

Is that... Senketsu? All of a sudden I feel Ryuko start shaking violently until she suddenly bursts out of my grip and sits up wide eyed.

"Senketsu!" She yells as that suprisingly didn't wake the rest of the Mankanshoku family up.

"Woah, woah easy Ryuko. It was just a bad drem." I say as I slowly try to calm her down by putting my arms on her shoulders and rubbing softly. Then again that gurgling sounded pretty realistic...

As her breath slows down she starts talking.

"Thanks... I appreciate it a lo-" She stops talking as she starts to wake up and realizes we're in the same futon. She starts staring at me with wide eyes as we both start blushing...

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