25,000 !Not a Chapter!

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I honestly have no idea on how to start this. Although I planned this out so... I guess that this is how I planned to start this... Huh. Neat...

Alright then I'm just writing this as I go so forgive me if I feel a bit scatterbrained because I'm literally writing this like I'm talking to you guys. So. First of all and most importantly I want to say thank you guys. Thank you all so very much. Without all of you I don't know if I'd have the strength to write this book. Every chapter I give you, you guys usually tell me you loved it and that's how I know I'm writing something people enjoy!

Of course I love how you guys are too! Every time I see a comment that says you enjoy the chapter I realize how much you guys like my writing. It makes me feel good to know that you guys like what I write and that I feel like I'm writing a good story. It really makes me feel like I'm writing a passion project which is kinda what this is to be honest. I've already told the story of how I just decided to write this book after a long thought process so I won't give you any schlock about "OH IT WAS A BEAUTIFUL SPUR OF THE MOMENT THAT DROVE MY LIFE TO IT'S CRITICAL DEBUT~!" But you guys really make me happy to write this stuff.

I want to thank you guys so mich for reading because you guys are the only reason people even see my story! Somewhere on this earth. There was a guy who saw my little story with no reads and said "yeah I'll read this" and it's that same mentality that brought you guys here. And if it weren't for you guys giving my book a shot then we would never have gotten to this point. So thank you guys so much for giving this book a shot and I'm so glad you guys are enjoying this so much! At least I hope you are!

We are now nearing the halfway point in the main Kill La Kill story so sadly that means I will eventually have to stop writing this book and honestly I don't know what I'm gonna do after this. This book was my driving force for Wattpad and I've put in so much love and effort into it that I don't know what my next project would be...

But let's not focus on that. For now I want to still thank you guys so much for reading and making this milestone possible! I love each and every one of you guys (and possibly gals? I don't know I think I saw one somewhere...) You guys have really been the best readers a guy like me could ask for so in one last sentence.


And one last thing before you go! I'm thinking about commissioning am artist to draw Yokubo! I plan om buying a couple colored drawings of her transformed and not transformed/ and front and backs of her. So if any of you guys know someone that would be interested or even someone who draws really well and (let me stress this) WOULD BE COMFORTABLE ENOUGH TO DRAW HER ON A GREYED OUT DOLL THAT HAS MALE GENITALIA! Please tell me so I can check prices for commissions and such.

In one final sentence that I've said over several times...

Thank you... Thank you so much.

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