Episode 3

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"So on January the tenth 1933, Hitlers cabinet was inaugurated into power. Soon after they aggressively pursued a dictatorial government for Germany. A year later president blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah-" I had zoned out in class as I thought about Ryuko and Lady Satsuki's fight yesterday. I had never even seen her up close let alone talk to her! And what the hell was I thinking?! Talking smooth to the goddamn dictator of Honnoji Academy?! I'm suprised I wasn't decapitated on the spot.

I suddenly noticed Ryuko having a very annoyed and angry (Yet really fucking cute) look on her face while she practically stabbed our teacher Mr. Mikisugi with her eyes.

"Hey, you ok?" I said while I tapped Ryuko on the back of her shoulder. Which caused her to jump a little.

"Uh yeah everything's fine.. I'm just uhhh." She looked around for something... Probably a good excuse.

"Trying to read the board. I may need glasses." She said with an awkward smile.

Deciding to play along I said "Really? They don't look that bad. (They look fucking beautiful. Like there's an entire galaxy behind them that just draws me in...)" WHAT THE FUCK?! I DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY THAT!! I IMMEADIETLY COVERED MY MOUTH as Ryuko suddenly turned bright red at my statement. Well so much for finding out the truth about what was going on with her because for the rest of the class I just stared ahead as Mr. Mikisugi kept talking about the horrors of WWII.

After the bell rang I was so embarrassed I didn't even bother getting up because I didn't want Ryuko to ever see me. Although I did see her look back for a split second before immeadietly shaking her head, donning a frown, and starting to powerwalk towards our teacher.

I sighed heavily as I'd probably overstepped any and every possible boundary known to man. I've gotta go apologize to her, maybe if I follow her I can actually find out what she's mad about too. So I picked myself up and out of the desk and started tailing Ryuko. Ugh god now I'm fucking stalking her I've got a lot of shit to apologize for after this..

It appeared that I wasn't the only stalker however as Ryuko was tailing our teacher. As she rounded the corner her face grew confused and angry.

"Where the hell'd he go?" I heard her say as she looked around for Mr. Mikisugi. Then was about to be tackled as Mako dived at her.

"Ooh Ryukoooo! Walking alone in the halls I see." She said as she flew through the air only to be caught by Ryuko who spun her around and slowly set her down as she noticed a note on Makos back.

I heard Ryuko read aloud the contents "Meet me after school at my place -Aikuro Mikisugi." She crumpled the paper and continued. "That shifty bastard"

Wait... Was Ryuko being BLACKMAILED BY MR. MIKISUGI? (IF SHE IS I'M GOING TO RIP HIS THROAT OUT!!) I had to follow her this time. There's no way I'm letting this happen.

I continued tailing Ryuko until she arrived at an apartment. After she entered I immeadietly held my ear to the door to listen in to the muffled voices.

"We have a problem. I saw the way you were staring at me in class all passionately. It'd be bad for both of us if people started gossiping about our relationship." A male voice, I assumed to be Mr. Mikisugi, said as I started thinking about how I would paralise him for being such a disgusting bastard.

"The only relationship we got is the one my fist is gonna have with your face you freakshow!" I heard Ryuko say. Well my assistance may not be needed if after all.

"I knew it you can't keep your hands off of me." Mr. Mikisugi said. If he says one more thing like that I'm going to give him a swift right hook and kick to his side and if he's lucky his ribs might not break.

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