Episode 19 The Day Our World Came Crashing Down

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"I did not create Honnoji Academy FOR you. I created it to DESTROY you!Remember that! RAGYO KIRYUIIN!" And with a click of her heel Satsuki continued while the rest of us just stood there slack jawed.

"For years I've waited for this day pretending to obey you. Fear is freedom, subjugation is liberation, contradiction is truth those are the facts of this world, AND YOU WILL SURRENDER TO THEM! YOU PIG WHO FAWNS OVER CLOTHING!"

"Nonsense! You won't get away with this!" Shouted the tanned woman from before as her sleeves extended out to grab Satsuki, only for a large student handbook to block her.

"Wrong!" It was then that Ira Gamagorri stepped out from behind the book and quickly entered into his Shackle Regalia Mk2. While he transformed, multiple members of the disciplinary committee had wrapped their disciplinary committee bands around Satsuki's unnamed attacker and fully restrained her arms.

Inumuta then appeared and sprayed thousands of needles into the life fiber wrapped crowd. The needles then caused the fibers to explode out and free everyone. They must've made copies off of Tsumugu's needles.

"You damn teenage scum..." Ragyo muttered from her still impaled state.

"You shouldn't underestimate them." And with those words from Satsuki's mouth every single Honnoji Academy student began to strip away their dress jackets revealing goku uniforms on every person.

"We are neither scum nor are we weak. Every student here is a warrior trained to fight life fibers, this is Honnoji Academy, this is our power!" And with that every student's uniform began transforming. There were honestly too many to count because I couldn't recognize a single club. Well at least Satsuki's on our side I guess (Y/N FUCKING DUCK!)

With those words I jumped away from a blast of sound. I looked up only to notice Nonon Jakuzure hovering above us as she grinned in my direction.

"Tough luck fiber boy, Honnoji Academy is trained to fight life fibers and unfortunately for you, you're not an exception. So start running!" And with that I began sprinting away from Nonon as fast as possible, only to be cut off by Sanageyama.

"Looks like we got unfinished business, don't we!?" He then transformed into Blade Regalia Mk3 and quickly swung at me. Shit! Yokubo synchronize now!

Although we were too late to transform our savior came in the form of a parasol blocking my vision.

"Get your hands off my big brother!" Nui had come in and batted him away.

"Y/n get Yokubo on because as soon as Ragyo's dead we're making a run for it!"

"Wait what!? What about Ryuko and everyone else!?"

"We can come back for them later! Nin can handle herself just fine! Now hurry up and transform!" Yokubo! (On it!) and with that we were back and synchronized. It feels weird wearing these chaps again... (But it makes your ass look nice~) well at least I have that.

Sanageyama then began swinging at us as I took out my scissor and quickly blocked every attack he threw at me. While he was faster then before he still wasn't faster then me and Yokubo, unfortunately for us he wasn't the only one we had to deal with. Every time I tried to take the offensive I was blasted back by Nonon and unfortunately for us Nui didn't have much in terms of ranged attacks so we began swapping between attacking Uzu and defending from Nonon. After a few blocks I was able to get a clash against Uzu and began to talk to him.

"What the hell is wring with you Uzu!? I thought we were on the same side!?" My strength began faltering as Uzu pushed back and spoke.

"As if we were ever on the same side! Originally Satsuki thought she could use you to help strengthen Matoi but when we finally found out you were nothing but a few strings of cloth..." He took a second to slam his kendo sword against my scissor, causing the ground to break beneath me.

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