Episode 20 Humanity's Last Stand

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There I laid on the cold hard dirt that was the bottom of the stadium...

Ryuko's life fiber stitched heart in Ragyo's hand as the two had a stare off...

Ryuko gasping for air as she attempted to do... Something... Anything to comprehend what was happening to her right now. Multiple thoughts running through her mind, is this a dream, is this all a big nightmare... I would know since I had that exact realization not too long ago...

Funny how misery always has company...

Ragyo however...

"How beautiful, how brilliant! There aren't many humans who can merge with the life fibers so perfectly~. There's no doubt that you are my daughter."

A smirk upon her pale face, a sign of gratitude, of success, of pride knowing her own flesh and blood could adapt to the life fibers just as well as she could if not better... A sign of progress... A sign of a so called 'proud mother', even thinking the words makes me want to spit out the nonexistent saliva that was squeezed between my teeth to even utter the even more disgusting words...

While she saw it as her work of pride everyone else saw it as a work of filth...

I think that's why I began crying, not out of anger, not out of regret, but out of sadness as I watched someone I loved more then anything in the whole world get her entire life shattered as mine was.

"No!" That was the most gutteral and repulsed word I had ever heard Ryuko say and with her normal rebellious nature kicking in she quickly sliced through Ragyo's hand as it fell to the ground, Ryuko's heart still beating as they both fell.

"I'm Isshin Matoi's daughter got it!? You're not my mom you can't be!" Ragyo simply didn't care as she grabbed her severed hand and swiftly placed it back onto her wrist, as if she was picking up a fork, I half expected her to say 'oops'.

"If I'm not, then how do you explain that?" The 'that' she was referring too was Ryuko's heart slowly pulling itself back inside her ribcage before swiftly entering and sealing the wound it came from.

"It's heredity dear." With a quick flash I saw Ryuko swing her scissor at Ragyo only for her to move slightly out of the way.


"(Ryuko you're going to overheat!)" However Senketsu's warning fell on deaf ears as Ryuko kept swinging over and over, continually missing a slightly moving Ragyo.

"I DON'T GIVE A DAMN!" Shaking my head to clear it I brought my attention back to Ryuko and swiftly got onto my feet! I then began running as I tried to swing at Ragyo's-!

Before I could get close there was a loud explosion where the podium and Ragyo's crucifix was, this was followed by the stands exploding one by one all to culminate in the entire school exploding as loud and just as sudden as a clap of thunder!

"RYUKO!" These where my last conscious moments before I was blown away by the volume of the explosion, and the magnitude it caused...


"Hurry up! Keep moving! There's a chopper waiting for you just over the hill!"

"They're coming Uzu!"

"Yeah I know that L/n! Dammit, I hope you hold up... Blade Regalia Mark 3!" Me and Sanageyama where in northern Kanto moving a large refugee camp of gang leaders who had chosen to stick together throughout the life fibers invasion. I was currently holding off as many covers as I could while Uzu was reserving his uniform until he absolutely needed to use it... Pro of being a Kamui weilder is that your uniform never breaks die to over exertion.

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