Episode 3.5

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As my sight slowly but surely returned to me I was met with someone in my face. I couldn't tell who it was due to my vision still being blurred however I could tell they were saying something. They seemed panicked as a set of eyes was slowly revealed along with a head of black hair as my eyes started focusing again.

"...Wa....u...Y/...." The person said as I slowly started to recall what happened and looked down at my uniform as it had apparently turned back to normal. Oh yeah Lady Satsuki killed me. Wait so how is this happening? Is this the afterlife?

"Come o... Y/n... Wak... Up..!" The person said as I slowly started to understand what was happening and what they were saying. Oh It's Ryuko, wait I died then that means... OH SHIT I'M IN HEAVEN! Goddamit I don't want this fake Ryuko in this fake ass place! Like HELL I'M DYING NOW!

My eyes fully focused as I slowly started to stand up. However, this was immeadietly stopped by the fake Ryuko who had an extremely cute looking worry on her face. Damn this heaven was good.

"Y/n sit back down you're hurt dammit!" Said the REALLY realistic sounding Ryuko as I ignored her and spouted out an annoyance.

"Oh christ, shut the hell up you fake Ryuko! I'm getting the hell out of this heaven so that the real Ryuko can tell me to back the hell down and smack me in the face for even thinking about kissing her let alone what I would do to you if you weren't some angel in a disguise to trick me into staying here!" I shouted as I slowly started walking away from her. God those lips were beautiful though, if it were the real one I would've definitely stayed dead. It was then that I felt a hard blow straight to the back of my skull.

"You GODDAMN IDIOT!! YOU SHOULD LEARN TO SHUT THE HELL UP YOU FILTHY PERV!" ... Oh.... Oh that was the real Ryuko... Huh... Well guess I'm actually dying and going to hell now. Goodbye cruel world and don't worry about me I'll atone for my crimes in the bowels soon enough. Unfortunately the feeling of death never came as I had to face the facts and lift my head from the crater of dirt it caused.

"Oh shit guess I'm not dead." I said as I slowly turned around towards Ryuko to see that she was furious with what I said. My eyes went wide and then immeadietly I shot my head down so hard I made a smaller crater in the dirt.

"OH MY GOD OH CHRIST I AM SO SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME I'M SO SORRY I'M SO SORRY PLEASE FORGET EVERYTHING I SAID AND I WILL LEAVE YOU ALONE FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE SO I'M SO SORRY!" I sputtered out the words as I didn't dare to look up as I continued bowing to her. I heard a sigh along with an exasperated.

"Get up y/n." Wait she wasn't going to kill me? I looked up at her as she had the brightest blush I had ever seen plastered on her cheeks as well as the most annoyed look I'd ever seen her give. And coming from Ryuko THAT WAS A VERY ANNOYED LOOK.

"You're not going to throw me out of your life and into a void of depression that I would probably never escape?" I asked with a really suprised look on my face.

"What the hell? No, of course not. Why would I do that?" She said as a small smile crept up onto her lips. She continued.

"You're one of the coolest people I know. You have that sense of doing whatever you feel like, yet you also care a lot about the people you love." She said looking down at me and extending a hand. She kept going.

"Yeah you're weird and pretty pervy but that's basically what this whole town has been like since I first got here. So, don't be too hard on yourself... okay?" She said while looking at me with a gentle grin on her face. That... Was actually one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me. I grabbed her hand and took it as she helped me up. As she saw my knees buckle from Satsuki's blow she caught me by my arms and slowly set me down against a wall.

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