Episode 15 Apology

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Hearing Ryuko's apology Y/n stood up quickly before tripping on the chair and falling backwards. He then began breathing audibly as his gaze grew wild and terrified. Hearing something wrong Ryuko looked towards Y/n and held out an arm as she spoke.

"Y-y/n?" She then took a step forward and that's when all of Y/n's progress shattered before my very eyes... His eyes started to well up with tears as he immeadietly stood up and started sprinting towards the staircase to his bedroom. Ryuko's eyes widened as she then began running towards his direction.

"Y/n! Wait! Please I-!" Ryuko was cut off by the sound of a door slamming shut. When I walked back around to where Ryuko was she had been halfway across the stairs. She froze in place as her eyes stayed locked onto the wooden door. 'Do Not Open Monster Inside' was clearly showing as her eyes finally noticed and started softly crying. Her eyes finally closed as the tears streamed down her pale face...

"So you gave my kid PTSD? Is that it?" Ryuko slowly turned to face me as she kept her eyes on the floor. Too ashamed to even look at me she spoke in a voice that stood on the edge of breaking.

"I-I...I t-thought that... I don't know... Really... I thought he would be mad at me... Really I thought so... And right now I think it'd be better if he was..." She clenched her teeth as she tried to hold her voice together as her eyes fell to the floor and were covered by her hair.

"Huh... You really care about him that badly? I figured you were just using him for something... Like getting Senketsu back together?" Hearing those words Ryuko looked back up to me the tears slowly stopped flowing as she rubbed her eyes with her fist.

"No... I mean... I wanted to ask him for help yeah but... I also wanted to make up...... Hey... I got a question... How can you hear Senketsu?"

"Oh please if I can hear Yokubo I can hear Senketsu. And that's not really what's important now is it?" Ryuko then slowly shook her head no as I sighed.

"Alright fine... I'll help you win him back but you've gotta promise me a few things." Hearing this Ryuko hopped over the staircase railing as she ran towards me with determination in her watery eyes.

"Anything.... I'll do anything." And there's that conviction!

"Okay then... One I want you to never treat him as badly as you did in that arena got it?" Ryuko nodded with a yes ma'am as I continued.

"Two I want you to help him as much as he needs it okay? 'Cause I know he'd do the same for you." Another head nod and a yes ma'am.

"And finally three.... I want at least four babies...." Ryuko immeadiately froze up and grew red as she spoke.

"M-m-ma'am I really don't think this is the time for jokes." I then began laughing as she kept staying embarrassed.

"Oh please I'm fairly positive that time will come. You don't have to agree to that now just know that in the future, should it happen, I want four grandchildren." Seeing an audible smoke trail coming off her face I immeadietly started laughing again as I walked up the stairs with her body in tow. Oh god this stuff is funny... Four babies!? HAH! Like I'd settle for less then five!

As we reached the top of the stairs I slowly let Ryuko down as she removed the glasses and leaned against the door. She held herself sideways against it as she listened closely behind the door. Judging from her lack of a reaction I assumed she heard nothing as she then sat down against the wooden door with a sigh. Her disappointment immeasurable and her day probably ruined she grew a small frown as she knocked on the door.

"Please... Go away... I don't want to hurt you anymore..." Y/n's voice was wavering as it raised and lowered octaves between each syllable.

"Y/n... You're not gonna hurt me... I swear. I know it doesn't feel like that but... I..." Ryuko sighed before she continued as she ran a hand through her hair.

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