Episode 14 Answers

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How the hell do you find your way around this mansion Y/n... Seriously I've been lost for almost 20 minutes trying to find his room... Fuck it time to go to old reliable. May not work but who cares? Worth a shot right? I took a deep breath in....


"I'm in here mom...." I looked around to notice a door that had been padlocked... It had a sign printed on it that said 'Do Not Open Monster Inside'.... Why the fuck of all times does that sign I bought him have to be hung on his door now...

"Hey baby... You doing okay?" Why the fuck did I say that of course he's not okay Nin! He's been in his room sulking for almost 3 days how the hell is he okay?!

"Yeah mom.... I'm fine...." Yep figures.... Poor kid's blamin' himself again... And then he tries to act like everything's alright even when we both know it's not... I sat down against his door as I kept talking to him, the wood muffling our voices as the words were passed to each other.

"You hungry at all?"

"I mean what's the point mom... I can't die from malnutrition and it's not like I need to eat." His voice was soft and without emotion as he talked... It was like he was struggling to breath.

"Honey you know that's a lie. There's still a reason for you to eat. Multiple in fact, for example. Yokubo needs healthy and fresh blood to push her hardest."

"Mom I haven't worn Yokubo since she threw herself in my closet..." His voice slowed down in the beginning as he remembered the pain of Yokubo ripping herself off his skin... At least we figured out why he never took her off...

As for the reason why she took herself off him... She was ashamed of herself... She had always thought of wearing someone and having their warm skin touch her own cold fibers as a pleasant and sacred thing. He was her first and her only one. He had always been so gentle and worried constantly about her safety and comfort... Which is why she hated herself for violating him so... She had taken complete control over his body and forced him to do things he never wanted to do to anyone... She turned him from a gentle but fierce man... Into a toy of rage and anger which she controlled... They usually wore each other... But this time SHE WORE HIM. After that experience she ripped her fibers from his own skin and hid herself away... She never wanted to be seen by him again... In her eyes she was the monster....

"Well there still is another reason to eat you know."

"And what's that...?"

"Your stomach hurts. You've been having hunger pains since the day you stopped eating haven't you?" Just to accentuate my point his stomach growled loudly as he gave an audible grunt of pain.

"Yeah that's what I thought..... Tell you what. Let's make a deal. You let me help you out of your little 'monster' issue AND you eat something... I'll tell you everything... Every single answer to every single question you have.... How's that sound?" At first I heard nothing but silence... Then I heard a knock on the door... Wait what?

"Can you let me outta here? I kinda padlocked the door shut..." I smiled to myself as I walked over to the padlock and punched it off the door.

As I opened the door to his room the first thing I noticed was the eerily dark atmosphere. Things had been thrown around, specifically clothes and books, posters had been ripped down and one thing that scared me the most... The word 'monster' written in blood on the walls. As I searched the room I noticed a bulge under one of the blankets.

I walked over to it and slowly lifted it up as I noticed the state of Y/n's condition... His entire body looked malnourished as he had lost a lot of weight and become very scrawny. He looked up at me with glazed eyes, chapped lips and disheveled hair.

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