!!Please Read!!

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Hi everyone, Anbu here and I'm making this little update for all of those who aren't following me, know me, or don't look at my page.

I hate to say this again so if you want more details I would recommend going to my profile and reading the 2nd to last thing I posted there.

However, I'm going to say this really quickly. I have stopped working on this book and have started another project. BEFORE ANYONE FREAKS OUT NO I AM NOT ABANDONING THIS BOOK!

It just means I'm putting the story on hold for now, mainly due to a lack of motivation to work on this book.

I will eventually return to this book however for now I've swapped out to work on this new book that I'm putting a lot more effort into. That means bo more spelling/grammar mistakes (unless they're intentional) an overall better plot (in my opinion) and something I would just personally like to make.

Again not abandoning this book and maybe somewhere down the line I'll update this book but for now I would suggest not getting your hopes up. If you would like to learn more about the new book I would again recommend reading the last 2 posts on my profiles community page.

And that's basically what I wanted to say. Hope you guys aren't too upset with me considering I love this book and I wouldn't stop writing it if I didn't have a reason to.

So with that I will leave you with the title of the new book and a thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will return here one day and I will complete it.

I'll hopefully see you all in

"The Redemption?... of the Spear Hero!?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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