Episode 4.5

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The whole fucking one-star area was shooting at us with whatever they had. And they had A LOT! Whenever I was able to peek up I saw women, children, old men, even a breastfeeding mother shooting at us with fucking tommy guns!

"They're not lettin' up! Thank god thus thing's armor plated!" Ryuko said as her and Maiko were taking cover at the front of the bus while me and Mako where layed out on the floor.

"Time for a counter attack!" Maiko said as apparently she still hadn't lost hope. Damn she has just as much drive as I remember.

"With what?" Ryuko asked as suddenly Maiko pressed a big red button on the side of bus.

"With this!" As Maiko responded Mako was slowly being raised up by a GODDAMN MOUNTED LIGHT MACHINE GUN!? Just as suddenly as it appeared, the mounted gun started firing and Mako started screaming. The residential walls started crumbling as the force of Mako's suppressing fire was penetrating the walls of our attackers, thouroghly repelling their assault.

"Hahaha, Ryuko! You gotta get up here and try this!" Mako said as I think she doesn't realize how much property damage she's causing.... Goddamit I want to try...

"Get down Mako it's not safe!" Ryuko said as this could be my chance to shine... Mako then replied by only giving an "Oh~ Yes~" I think she might have been enjoying that gun a bit too much...

Her fun was short lived however as we noticed a pair of old women.... One then proceeded to fire a rocket at us which caused Maiko to scream out in terror

"RPG!" I quickly followed up on her statement.

"Retract the turret!" As Maiko pressed the button the turret retracted and the rocket flew past... That didn't stop Mako from firing... The rounds were ricocheting off the walls of the bus so badly that it ended up blowing the roof off which then exposed us to more gunfire!

"I like riding in convertibles~" Mako said as she wasn't completely off her euphoria yet.

It was then that we noticed the two-star district along with MORE ROCKETS!

"Two more rpg's!" Maiko said as Ryuko simply slammed the gas down harder.

"Punch it!" She said as we sped our way forwards. Unfortunately we didn't avoid the rockets as they simply blasted our bus turned convertible into the sky.

I then felt a simple calmness as we drifted upwards from the force of the explosions. I swore I could've heard very classical music as the girls continued to scream in terror. We flew past the two-star district and towards the gates of Honnoji Academy. Oh hey I can see my house. We were going to make it. It was then that I realized we started our descent into the GATES AT A VERY RAPID SPEED!

We all kept screaming as we plowed through the school gates and as our 'convertible' simply crumbled to pieces.

"Hey guys look we made it! It's the school! We did it. WE MADE IT!" Ryuko screamed as she had one of the largest smiles on her face.

"We've got fifteen minutes left to get to first period we better start walking just to make sure we're not late." I said with a smile as I looked over towards the girls who all had smiles plastered on their faces.

"No problem, piece a' cake!" Ryuko said as she flexed her muscles a little bit. Mako then did the same thing along with a quieter "Piece a' cake!"

Ryuko then looked over her shoulder where Maiko was and grinned.

"Mai-mai, you rock so hard! Couldn't have done it without ya!" Ryuko admitted with cheery attitude that made both me and her smile. She was really cute when she smiled...

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