Episode 21 The Threads that Bind Us

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As I held Ryuko in my hands all I could think of was what she was possibly going through...

The anger, the frustration, the feeling of being lied to your entire life...

While I had experienced these things not too long ago, this time it was a completely different situation.

I was born as pure life fibers and lived for god knows how long while Ryuko spent her entire life living a lie.

Well... The situation wasn't completely different but pain isn't something you compare and contrast.

"I feel like a goddamn monster Y/n... the same as Ragyo..." Her voice was dull. It sounded like she was a machine spewing out words that the robotic brain would interpret as emotional.

"Ryuko... You're not even close to Ragyo, you never have been and you never will be.... Would Ragyo let me chew on her hair like an absolute maniac?"

"If what she said earlier was true then yeah she absolutely would..." Shit... Dammit Y/n don't fuck up now! This is a very sensitive time for Ryuko and you need to be there for her so pick your words carefully.

"I... Well how about this. Would Ragyo ever let me-" Ryuko had cut me off with a shaky voice. One that half way through seemed hell bent on cracking and exposing the girl for what she really didn't want to do right now, cry.

"Y/n I know what you're trying to do but it's not working, okay? I don't know what I was thinking when I came to you for help and... I'm sorry for being a bother... You've gone through this exact same feeling and I'm... I can't even look you in the eyes anymore without feeling like a freak and I don't like that.... I hate it... I don't even think I could wear Senketsu right now..." While what she said had stung a little what hurt even worse was the fact that she was right, I don't know how to help her right now.

All of a sudden a spotlight shone down as Mako appeared with a spotlight over her head, wearing nudist beach attire, because that is definitely not clothing, and holding Senketsu in her hands.

"What are you saying Ryuko! Senketsu is your bestest friend! Y/n is your prince charming, at least in the looks department, and the real Ryuko would never say such a horrible thing about either if them! She wouldn't, she wouldn't, she wouldn't! That's not the Ryuko I know!" At this point Mako had jumped on Ryuko pushing me aside so she could get directly in her face.

"Mako, if I don't know me how can you know me! Everything I've ever known has been a lie! I can't even die! Hell for all I know I could be under Ragyo's control right now and NOBODY COULD STOP ME!" At this point Ryuko had thrown Mako off of herself and started slowly backing away. Almost quivering. Mako had stepped up while mom had followed behind.

"Ryuko... you're not a monster." Then it was mom's turn to speak up.

"Ryuko you are not under Ragyo's control, you are yourself, you are Isshin Matoi's daughter and you are an amazing girl! Take it from someone who's lived long enough to know how awful Ragyo is, you are not her child."

"Au contraire my sweet Ningyo, she IS my daughter. And nothing any of you will ever say will change that." From the remnants of covers emerged a spindling version Ragyo herself. Her body being perfectly portrayed from the waist up while her lower body and arms were constantly spiraling forms of life fibers.

"I AIN'T YOUR DAUGHTER!" Ryuko quickly lashed out at the fibrous Ragyo causing the image to scatter into shredded pieces, only for it to reappear farther away as Ragyo continued.

"Such nimble reflexes daughter dear, now while I understand your confusions it's not my fault you're my daughter blame it on Soichiro, pardon me, Isshin. It was his idea to hide the truth from both of us and you can see how foolish that plan was. But what's most despicable is that he used you like a pawn, as your mother I can sympathize with how you're feeling right-" before Ragyo could finish Ryuko's blade had severed the fake Ragyo's head only for it to reform as Ryuko pressed her assault.

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