Epsiode 18 The Cultural and Sports Grand Festival

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"Sweet I've been lookin' for a rematch with you." Ryuko said as she and Tsumugu were apparently in a standoff.

"Whatcha gonna do? You don't have your Kamui or your scissor blade. Your just a high school chick in dorky underwear." Tsumugu added while raising another needle gun towards Ryuko. Well I think now's a good time to go in dontcha think? (Ooh~ dramatic entrance! Me likey~)

I then sped in front of Ryuko as Tsumugu's eyes slightly widened, not out of shock, but out of simple curiosity. He was analyzing the situation while I just slightly glared at him.

"Well she does have me ya know? So maybe put the guns down. I'm not the same kid from the bathroom stall anymore." (Ya know without context that sounds really fucking weird.. Or very gay~) Yokubo time to focus for a bit. (Right right sorry just couldn't resist~)

"Y-y/n? When the hell did you get here?" Ryuko exclaimed as she quickly covered her bright whites with blue stripes.

"Hey future daughter!!" Mom added as she slowly walked forward. And that's when Mako joined the conversation with a bright spotlight appearing from nowhere.

"Ryuko you can't fight Mr. Mohawk like that! The only person a girl should reveal herself to is the one she loves the most! Can you say you love Mr. Mohawk? Do you love him all deep like that? Do you!?"

"I think you're missin' the point Mako... And Y/n's right there..." Neverminding Ryuko's words Mako kept going...

"You don't and you know it! That's why you wear Senketsu all the time because you love him the most! Besides it'd be gross if you didn't love him cause he's alive!"

"Uhm Mako you know there's different rules for that kinda thing right?" I interjected while Ryuko just had a bewildered/depressed face as Mako kept going.

"A girl only flashes her biz to her one true love! And no one else!" (She does realize that we've all been wearing provocative things the entire show right?) I don't even know anymore honestly...

"(Ryuko... I'm flattered you'd be willing to fight for me... But put me on. Please... You'll catch a cold like that if you don't.)"

"I'll catch a cold!?... God you two are somethin' else you know that?" Ryuko gave a smirk as the situation was quickly defused.

"And everyone's friends with clothes again..." Tsumugu said as he holstered his guns.

"Oh god you have no idea." Mom said as everyone finally acknowledged the other two people in the room. (Hey!) Sorry three.

"Wait a minute you're Ms. L/n aren't you." Mikisugi said as he approached us.

"Yep that's me, call me Nin!" Suddenly Tsumugu interjected with a question.

"Wait this is the chick that did the weird thread thing at the battle royale... And from what I remember L/n here's not even human, so what does that make you huh?" Tsumugu then aimed at mom. I was about to grab his gun before mom raised her hand to stop me. She then started chuckling as she made her way towards Tsumugu.

"Oh poor baby, don't worry about who or what I am! Just worry about what's going to happen if you keep aiming that pathetic excuse of a weapon at me!"

"And if I don't?"

"Well in that case..." Mom was a few inches away from Tsumugu as she leaned closer to his ear and began speaking in a low voice.

"I'll drain the blood from your body until there's nothing left but a twitching husk begging to have it's nerves obliterated so it can't feel pain any longer... Or I'll just rip your dick off!" This left Tsumugu slightly shaken and his eyes wide as mom finished her threat with a gentle smile.

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