3p1s0de 8?... Awakening...

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"STUDENTS OF HONNOJI ACADEMY!" It was near lunch when Satsuki Kiryuiin had appeared on her pedestal and gathered every student outside the school. (Oohhh she looks so serious~ I wonder what she'd look like wearing a ball ga-~) Okay what the hell is wrong with you again? Everything? 'Cause it seems like everything? (I'm serious! Wouldn't you think it would be awesome to see her taken down a peg?) Yes but not in 'that' way Youkubo...

"Today we embark on a complete overhaul of the student council! If you participate you will have free rein to attack your peers! There are no restrictions on weapons or tactics! Those who survive will meet here in seven days! These survivors will then fight to claim their social standing! A fight for change and election in the form of a battle royale!" ...wait what. My social standing... My uniform... My stars... My... MY MOM!

"Election my ass, ain't that right Y/n? ... Y/n? Hey babe are you okay?" As Ryuko slowly became concerned for my well being I was struck stiff... The ideas of losing everything I had worked so hard for... Could be gone... In an instant... (Y/n...) Yokubo... I have no idea what to do... What can I do? (Well obviously you have to fight!) But what about Ryuko... I don't want to fight her... (But I thought you liked fighting people remember?) Yokubo that was me when I was stupid. Back then I thought of being cool and having fun beating the shit out of people... Now I don't even care about it... Satsuki continued...

"Unlike traditional elections you will represent yourselves! Your status, your strength, your way of life! In seven days at eight thirty am the survivors who have assembeled here will have a sudden death runoff! And if you emerge victorious... I will offer you a brand new goku uniform. Now students of Honnoji Academy FIGHT!" As the words left her mouth the entire school erupted in a frenzy! People fighting for every reason imaginable became a mess of bodies and goku uniforms...

"And to a Mr. L/n..." My eyes shot open towards her as she glared at me from above...

"Your mission is clear and your goal has always been apparent... Do your job or you will lose what you value most..." And with that she left the stage... My eyes were wide and wet as I felt the salt of my own tears run down my face and enter my open mouth... What the hell... This is what it all led up to? I'm just a pawn playing a queen's game? Suddenly I felt a hand on mu shoulder.

"Hey Y/n what's she talkin' about that's got you so scared?" I back away from her unintentionally... This causes shock to fill her eyes as they widen while her hand stays where it was on my arm... (You need to tell her Y/n...) I know and I will... Just not right now... I don't want either of us to be mad at each other right now...

"Hey Y/n? Are you alright?" This time it was Mako's turn to look worried as she just stared at me with worry.

"I'm just... Really worried about my mom... If I lose my stars then that means she won't get any treatment... Then I don't know what I'll do... Let's go back to the clinic Mako..."

"Alright... if that's what you want rifht now then that's okay... Right Mako?" Mako gave a small nod as Ryuko put her hand on mu back as we slowly walked back to the no star district... What am I going to do...

We made a small pit stop at Mr. Mikisugi's class as he told us about some force field around Lady Satsuki's tower. Honestly it feels like she's doing this to spite me... Her revenge for me defying her wishes of betraying Ryuko. So now she's brought in the biggest leverage she could find... It pisses me off...

"Y/n sweetie you've barely touched your tea... Are you alright?" As I looked up I noticed the entire Mankanshoku household looking up towards me, Ryuko included, in worry.

"Yeah I'm fine... It's just that... I don't know what to do... Everything I've worked so hard for is just crumbling down in front of me..." As I looked back up I noticed the household now had a depressed look on their faces.

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