e91s0d3 6?... Birth?...

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Hello everyone... I wanted to really quickly apologize for being so late. I had no idea what to do with this episode considering it was mostly Sanageyamas evolution and back story. I originally just planned to have our heroes just get their asses handed to them and combine the next episode but I didn't feel like shoving one episode along with half of another one. But after a lot of thinking I finally decided on this. I was planning on introducing this character later in the plot but I realize now that I can sow the seeds of the future... So here it is I hope you enjoy. And once again I'm so sorry for the wait.

After spending a few days recovering with Ryuko we had now walked back to Mr. Mikisugi's house. We needed some kind of explanation. Especially due to us waking up on his couch.... I pray to god those white stains were-

When we arrived the first thing Ryuko did was press her blade to his throat.

"Ugh, easy! Don't wanna do anything hasty!" Mr. Mikisugi was in his teacher mode while Ryuko started the questions.

"I get the feeling I'm gettin played here. So what's the deal with you and Mr. Mohawk!"

"I don't know what you're talking about." Unfortunately for him Mr. Mikisugi was as bad a liar as he was good a stripper.

"You totally know and I got proof! Show him babe!" Ryuko said as I guess that's my cue. I pulled out a picture of two guys drinking while Mr. Mikisugi and the assassin were in the background.

"Oh snap who's that!? It's you and Mr. Mohawk!" Ryuko said as I lowered my hand with the picture.

"W-where did you get that?"

"You have no idea how intimidating a shirtless guy with abs is do you?" Actually when I know who I'm talking too he should know EXACTLY how that is.

"That's why when we woke up we were in your room! Now I'm giving you five seconds to tell me what you guys are up too or else!" After hearing Ryuko's words Mr. Mikisugi ducked his head low. When he brought it up he was back to his... I'm gonna call it the 'I'm not allowed within five feet of a school district' mode.

"The plan was to make the bond between you and Senketsu even stronger. Although it appears I did more than bring you and Senketsu together~" As he said this Ryuko had a dumbfounded look on her face as she realized we were set up big time.

He then continued talking while he unbuttoned his shirt.

"He is Tsumugu Kinagase, and yes the two of us are working together. You three stood up against him together and now all of you are true partners!" As he said this he exposed his nipples... I don't know why but he did... Suddenly I felt nauseous... I started sweating as my entire body yelled at me to sit down.

"Woah... Hey babe are you alright? You just got really pale" Ryuko asked as I flet my body go cold. I then slowly collapsed onto Mr. Mikisugi's couch as Ryuko went straight towards me.

H-hey! Don't vomit on my couch!" Ignoring him I responded to Ryuko.

"Yeah yeah, I'm alright just got really nauseous for some reason..." Suddenly Ryuko put her hand on my forehead before pulling away. She then kneeled down and put her forehead against mine as I sat still.

"Uhm... R-ryuko?" I responded nervously as  She then pulled away before speaking.

"Yep, you've got a fever alright." A fever what the hell? I was doing just fine this morning. And weren't Tsumugus needles supposed to make me healthy? Don't tell me he used them before!

"Hey Jackass! When I get back here you're telling me everything I wnat to know about you! Got that!?" Mr. Mikisugi simply nodded as he slowly started dropping his OKAY HE'S NOT WEARING SAFE FOR WORK UNDERWEAR!

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