Episode 5.5

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So...Ryuko is in my bed... and I haven't slept the entire time. She had brought her bunnie jammies... But I sleep in the nude... I made an exception that night to wear boxers. Unfortunately that didn't stop things from being awkward in the slightest.

The only thing we thought of to make things less awkward was to sleep with our backs together...(god she has such a nice butt). But even then I couldn't sleep at ALL. Somehow she did but around 5 am I started hearing movement.

I know I shouldn't look so I won't. Ryuko then started moaning. I'm NOT LOOKING AT HER... AT ALL... AND I'M GOING TO SLEEP NOW...

I then started to hear... Crying... Okay this... This is not okay... Is she alright?

I then looked over to see the movement was shivering. Ryuko was having another nightmare and from how she was acting it seemed worse than last time....

"Y/n... Please...." As I heard her soft words I couldn't help it anymore. I don't care if she wakes up and it's awkward, I've got to help her somehow.

I then slowly turned around to where I was facing her back and slowly put my arms around her. As soon as I got a good grip I pushed myself against her and hugged tight enough to where she would stop struggling. This unfortunately had the opposite effect as she gasped and started quivering harder so I had to let her know it was me. I spoke softly and slowly.

"Ryuko it's me. It's Y/n, okay? You're completely safe. I'm here with you. Everything's going to be fine. You're safe, I'm right here and I'm not leaving you. Everything's okay." As I finished whispering in her ear I started to slowly stroke her hair. It was something my mom used to do to calm me down when I was younger. Of course I wasn't experienced with calming people down, let alone helping people in general but, if I can help Ryuko in anyway this is how.

As I continued stroking her hair, she slowly started calming down as she stopped shaking, and her breathing returned to normal. Thank god. It was then that she slightly yawned and started moving... I'M GOING TO DIE.

As her eyes slowly opened she then saw it was me. She lightly smiled... Then her face quickly shifted to a straight one as her eyes widened with the realization.

"So... morning........ am I going to die in five seconds or five minutes?" She then screamed and ran out of my room. Guessing the five minutes. Okay I've got time to sneak into my mom's room and tell her I love her, pray, is there anything else... BROWSER HISTORY.

But before I could start my last seconds on earth Ryuko slowly peaked her head through the door. I could only see her eye and a bit of her nose as she started talking.

"Hey... Y/n?" My eyes were superglued open wide so I didn't miss what she told me to do.

"Y-yes?" I managed to croak out.

"C-can you hand me Senketsu...?"

"U-uh yeah! Here you go!" I quickly ran to where he was hanging and handed it to her without looking at the door.

"Thank you..." And with that she closed the door... Wait... I'm not dead? Maybe she wanted to wear Senketsu so she could kill me with him?! My heart didn't slow down as I quickly got dressed in my uniform and headed downstairs... My last meal...

As I went down the stairs I noticed Ryuko sitting on the couch. Okay if I'm going to die I'm gonna die with a clear conscience.

"H-hey Ryuko."

"Oh h-hey Y/n."

"I just wanted to say sorry about that. You were having a nightmare and I wanted to calm you down... I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable..."

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