Episode 7

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When I woke up I was in my own bedroom. Mako was passed out in a chair while I was covered in my own blankets... Poor Mako... She must really care about me huh? Now I feel bad for being distant to her...

The more I think about it after Ryuko showed up most of our focus has been on her. Mako had a new best friend and I had a crush. I guess she must've missed me... I know what to do.

As I slowly got out of bed I looked at the clock. 03:00 yeah she's still got time to sleep. I carefully pulled Mako out of the chair and into my bed. It's not like I'm gonna be using this thing. (Oh what's wrong~? Scared of sleeping with another girl~?) No it's not that I just can't WHAT THE FUCK WHO SAID THAT?!

(Calm down! My ears are bleeding from your yelling! The only kind of yelling I want to hear is us shouting each others names in bliss~) Who the fuck is.. Oh yeah Yokubo. So you can talk to me like this huh?

(Yep so get used to it. Or you know don't... I don't know.) For someone who wants to feel me up you have a suprisingly timid personality.

(Only when I'm not horny Y/n~ And you should know I'm always-) Yeah yeah I get it, now where the hell is Ryuko? (Don't ignore me! You sadist! I had no idea your words could sting so good~!) Okay then moving on.

I tucked Mako in nice and tightly right before I left for the guest bedroom. As I approached the door I peeked inside to notice Ryuko's hair leaking out from the thick blankets. After a while I slowly stepped inside to notice Senketsu hanging on the bathroom doorframe. His eye was closed implying he was sleeping. Seeing this I slowly tiptoed closer to the bed.

When I was finally near the headboard I pulled the blankets down so I could look at her bandages. I wanted to know how badly she was injured. As I undid a few buttons on her jammies I noticed a lot of bandaging on her body. She must have been beaten pretty badly...

(What was the guys name again? Sanageyama? Hehe... gay...) Yes that's his name. (From what I, or should I say you, remember he's a bit of a brat isn't he?) Oh yeah big time, but he's not just a brat he's a spoiled brat. All he does is manipulate the rules to get his way. Honestly whar does Satsuki even see in that guy? (Maybe he's packing~?) Have you seen the size of his sword? He's compensating for something.

Amidst our talk I heard Ryuko moan as she rolled over to face away from me towards the bathroom. Well I might as well let her rest. God knows I've had too much. I softly walked around the bed and gave Ryuko a quick kiss on the forehead before leaving the relatively simple room. As I close the door the first thing I hear is a grumble coming from my stomach. Might as well make some breakfast for myself.

As I head down the stairs towards the kitchen I grab a few eggs and a bit of bacon from the walk in refrigerator. As I set the items on the small island I search around for a skillet. (Did you know that you can't actually live off your own semen? It has almost no nutritional value.) Why the fuck do you know this? (Because you know it and I can read your mind, you literally just thought of the possibility of living off your own semen.) NO I FUCKING DIDN'T! (Well you are now~)

After a few conversations about semen I finally finished my breakfast. I have no idea how I could even eat it let alone put the fork into my mouth... (Oh I'm sure you and I can fit a lot of things into our mouths~) CAN YOU FUCKING NOT PLEASE? YOU MAKE MR. MIKISUGI LOOK CHILD FREINDLY! And do you even have a mouth? (I was literally born yesterday,I was always around but I never gained conciousness until yesterday, and you expect me to have a mouth?) Well I don't fucking know Okay?! As far as I know you could be the second coming of Cthulu and I'm just the movie theater for "Cthulu II: Electric Boogaloo Tentacle Hentai edition".

Before I could argue anymore I heard running as I noticed Mako speeding down the stairs in her uniform.

"I smell food!" She had a serious look on her face as she gazed at the leftover eggs and bacon.

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