Episode 16 Oh How I Love Being A Naked Nudist

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Although my attempts at being funny were partially successful... Ryuko knew... Of course she knew. The first reason is because I didn't do what I said I was gonna do. I didn't go dragging the blade across the ground like I exclaimed I would. However, what we did do was kick the ass of every single student we saw with a patch of Senketsu.

We had just started jetting through Osaka as Ryuko started talking to me.

"Hey Y/n? You doin' okay back there?" I didn't notice her words at first as I had simply been staring off into space with my arms around her waist.

"Huh? Oh yeah Ryuko! Never better!" I put on a smile as she leaned back enough to put my cheek against hers. I blushed for a second before she continued.

"Y/n I can tell when you're lying and when you're not. I know you're still freaked out okay? So please just tell me what's wrong?" Though Ryuko's eyes were still glued to the road, her eyes narrowed while her brows softened in concern. I gave a sigh before I began.

"It's nothing I can't handle Ryuko I swear. And not to mention now's no the best time for this ya' know?"

"Look Y/n... I don't care where or how but I know that as soon as Senketsu gets stitched back up you and me are gonna talk."

"Ryuko please, it's not a big deal I swear. We don't have to do anything about me I'll be fine!" Suddenly I heard a skid and held onto Ryuko tight as she basically pulled an Akira by sliding the bike sideways as it stopped in place. I then loosened my grip as I felt Ryuko turn around to face me.

"Y/n that's exactly what I'm talking about. Every single thing you just said shouldn't be happening to you." I scooted back allowing Ryuko to swing her legs over the bike which allowed her to see face me completely.

"Ryuko what are you talking about? I told you I'll be fine so let's go-"

"Y/n that's exactly the problem! I don't want you to feel fine. Fine isn't good or great or perfect. Just being fine isn't good enough for me. I want you to be happy, Y/n... I want us to be happy together..." Ryuko's gaze shifted down for a second before she brought her eyes back to mine.

"Y/n... I don't want their to be a fine. Everything that goes on in your head is a big deal to me. Knowing you're feeling like shit is the worst possible feeling for me... So let me help... Please... I'll do anything to make you happy again..." Her serious eyes began to soften as a few droplets formed in her eyes. She scooted closer to me and began to hold me close. Our necks cradled inside each other, our chests pushed close, and her arms and legs slowly tightening her grip on me made me feel... Sad... Sorry... Useless... And I honestly didn't want to be any of those...

Her feelings had somehow gotten through to me as I started to softly hold her close. My our sobs mixed together as we shared an embrace before pulling away, only to meet again by our lips. We shared a soft, sweet, and short kiss before we pulled away from each other.

"I-... I'm sorry again Ryuko... I know I've been fucking up so much lately and-"

"No, no you haven't. You just think you did Y/n. You're beating yourself up when you're not supposed to. Everything you're going through right now is normal, you just gotta tell me okay? All you gotta do is tell me and I'll show you how much you mean to me, how useful you've been, anything that's troubling you... I'll be there for you... Always. And I know you'd do the same for me right? That's how this relationship stuff works right?" At this point we had separated and Ryuko had a bright smile on her face. With that I started smiling too. Her smile was so goddam contagious I couldn't help but follow suit.

"See? Dating for less than a month but I think we got it down!" Ryuko quickly threw her legs back towards the front of the bike as she revved the engine. She looked back ay me with the same beautiful smile she had always given me.

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