Episode 11 Ties

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"Ugh... Oh god... Holy shit..."

"(Come on Y/n I wasn't that rough on you right? It was still fun? We had fun? I had fun? I had fun.)" The shock of wearing Yokubo for the first time had physically exhausted me. So much so that Satsuki had to call for a break in the battle royale... Much to Ryuko's displeasure...

"(Hey now... Come on Y/n you'll get her back. Now I'm sure of it!)" And how the hell is that gonna happen? She still hates me...

"(Did you even see the look on her face when you winked at her all sexy like~? Not to mention would she ever help you out during the fight if she didn't care for you somewhat?)" I mean... I guess you're right but still Yokubo... I hurt her a lot, things don't heal that quickly.

"(I'm not saying you'll win her over now. I'm just saying that you can and you WILL win her over. I know you can get your dream girl back.)" Suddenly we heard the doors to the school locker rooms open. When I looked up I noticed that it was Mako.

"O-oh... Hey Mako... Were you looking for Ryuko? Cause this is the men's lockers." She then slowly approached me with a stern look on her face.

"I know where the lockers are Y/n... I... Came to talk."

"Talk? What about?"

"Y/n don't act dumb okay? We both know why I came here..." Wow that's a first... Mako calling me stupid. It's kinda funny... I heard Mako sit down on the bench next to me as I finally looked directly at her. She had a puzzled look on her face. Apparently she caught me laughing a little.

"What's so funny?"

"It's nothing... Just find it kinda funny how I'm the airhead in this situation." She then gave a slight smile as she looked to me. Her look softening slightly.

"Well how's it feel?"

"I feel like a Mankanshoku."

"Hey! I may be an airhead but my family's off limits!" She gave a pouty frown at me before it slowly devolved into a slight smile and soon enough she started chuckling. And then I started laughing. And before long we were two airheads laughing at each other for no reason...

"...So uhm... What did you want to talk about?" We then stopped laughing as I gave an unfortunate reminder of our situation... She then started shuffling uncomfortably for a bit before answering.

"Well... Ryuko's still mad at you..."

"Yeah I figured..."

"But I'm not anymore..."

"What?" I then began to stare at the nervous Mankanshoku as she began explaining.

"When we found out you were working for Satsuki... We kinda just freaked out and jumped to conclusions ya know? I'm... I'm really sorry Y/n... I'm supposed to be your best friend... But I've just been a really big jerk..."

"What are you talking about Mako? I... I don't deserve your forgiveness... I hurt you... I hurt Ryuko... And now I'm gonna have to fight her..." She then brought her face closer to mine with a serious look on her face.

"Hey! Stop beating yourself up! You had a reason for doing all of this didn't you? I did the same thing. I hurt all of you guys... And almost lost my best friends in the process..." The cute Mankanshoku then began to look down in sadness as small tears threatend to slide down her face.

"Mako what are you talking about? You wanted the best life you could get! You wanted to make everybody happy in the end! Even yourself! Meanwhile, all I've done is break people's trust and..."

I felt a sting across my cheek as a loud clap was heard. Mako had slapped me.

"You gotta stop Y/n! Stop beating yourself up over and over again. All you wanted was a happy life. It's Satsuki's fault for taking all of it away! So you made a mistake and didn't tell anyone. I make mistakes everyday! Look!" Suddenly Mako started taking off her shirt. I quickly looked away and covered my eyes while I started to feel drool on my pants. Yokubo...

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