Episode 1.5

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I hadn't seen Mako all day and was starting to worry. But at the same time... It was Mako, I was fairly positive that she had simply gone home, ate a metric shit ton of her mom's delicious croquettes, and passed out. So I just started walking to school thinking I would see Mako eventually.

Before I walked through the gates I saw a bike with the words "Sorry for stealing your bike" written on a sign next to it. I guess Ryuko isn't as mean as I thought she was. I also happened to notice a crowd outside the school. Of course I wasn't going to be suicidal and miss class so I squeezed past the group trying not to bother the onlookers.

As I entered the gates of Honnoji Academy I saw what appeared to be a giant boxing ring and a girl hanging from all of her limbs via chains around her wrists and ankles.

"Hey y/n!"

"Oh hey Mako I didn't see you yester... HOLY SHIT WHY ARE YOU HANGING FROM THAT THING!!"

I had apparently gotten so used to seeing students receiving horrible punishments that I had failed to realize that Mako was the one hanging.

"Hey y/n could you please help me down? If I keep hanging here everyone is going to see my underwear. IF I WOULD'VE KNOW THAT I WOULD'VE WORN MY SEXY PANTIES TODAY!" The poor mankanshoku weeped.

"I-I'll try." I said in sort of an awkward situation.

"Stand back! This is official Academy buisiness!"

It was at this moment that I noticed Fukuroda and the chair of the Athletics Committee Uzu Sanageyama staring at me as I was about to climb up.

I quickly uttered an apology to the acclaimed elite four member who stared at me with menace in his shining eyes.

"F-f-forgive me sir but what did mankanshoku do to deserve this?"

"Nothing" said the very relaxed Sanageyama. "We're using her as bait for the new girl."

"Ryuko Matoi? What does she have to do with Mako?"

"I saw her talking with the new girl yesterday before the pummeling I gave her" said the proud looking Fukuroda "And this time she won't get away"

"She better not." Said Sanageyama who I now realized was wielding a kendo sword very ominously while looking at Fukuroda. Guess he must've gotten a beating after Ryuko escaped.

"Oh, don't worry after she sees THIS SHE'LL COME RUNNING!" Fukuroda pointed to a boiling pot of... Something?

He then proceeded to walk over to the liquid and pull out a shrimp. He proceeded to put the shrimp in flour and then dipped said shrimp into the liquid and pulled it out golden fried.


"NOOOO, IF YOU DIP ME IN OIL EVERYONE'S GONNA SEE THROUGH MY UNIFORM!!" Screamed the still hanging mankanshoku.

"Mako... I think you need to worry about dying first..." I said as the growing faces of "Are you serious" started to spread amongst the crowd.

"Hold on Mako I'm coming to save you! I screamed as I started to climb into the ring.

"Captain of the Martial Arts club you will not interfere. That is unless you want your rank stripped and your body beaten?" Said the cocky bastard of the elite four.

Shit... Do I really have to throw away my goddamn career to save my best friend? (OF COURSE I FUCKING DO I'M GONNA BEAT HIS ASS!!) I recoiled at my hurting head and the fact that once again I meant every word except... I didn't mean to think it? Again I had no time to think about it as a cloaked figure emerged from the crowd sprinting on top of people's heads running straight at Mako!!

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