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As I walked towards Sanageyama I took a deep brath in... And then a deep breath out... (You got this... okay?) Yeah... Thanks Yokubo. (No problem... Now go kick his ass please?) Planned on it.

I clicked the black star on my uniform as Sanageyama became covered in stars that revealed his Blade Regalia Mark II... Now what the hell do I choose... (He's got range on his side, and he's really fast... Nothing that fits the bill perfectly right?) Yeah... But I got an idea.

An ever evolving style... One that had been changed over all of it's incarnations... The art of the sword. As I felt the life fibers cover my body my new skin became white and red. My face soon became a mass of dark red with no feauters with white tentacles developing around the sides. My body soon gave in as my skin turned the same red. This was then covered by another layer of white webbing that revealed parts of the red. I developed a pair of spikes from my kneecaps and bone-like armor around my ankles. My feet became sleek and white while my nails became sharp and sleek. I was only wearing black silk that came up to my stomach and down to my thighs while the hilt of a single katana layed dormant upon my hip.

"Ohhh ho Hooouuuu!" My voice had changed drastically as my speech was now gravely yet alien in nature.


While the crowd gazed at my horrifying new appearance I drew the sword on my hip and held it in front of me. This is the stance that shall be your downfall Sanageyama...

"Neat trick, you got a costume change. That doesn't mean you'll win." I quickly rushed towards him as he finished talking.

"Don't think I'll even let you get close!" He swung his kendo sword vertically as I held my blade up to block. The weapons collided together with a single sound of wood splitting filling the arena. I had cut Sanageyamas wooden kendo sword in half.

"So you're packing an actual weapon now. In that case take THIS!" Suddenly Uzu began attempting to pummel me with every sword he had on him. I quickly started blocking as the clang of my steel against his wood echoed throughout the arena. The blows kept coming! An endless wall of perpetual motion being fueled by Sanageyamas uniform...

"What's the matter? Having trouble keeping up? I hope you realize I've broken this uniform TWICE with how fast I can be! MEN DOU KOTE!" Sanageyamas strikes slowly started to ramp up in speed as my body was already being drive to it's absolute limits! (What he doesn't realize is... Speed isn't everything~.)

"It's how you use it!" Seeing my opportunity finally being revealed I deflected Uzu's blades and thrust my edge into his chest!... Only to hear a slight tink... Sanageyama had caught my blade between his finger tips...

"Now I see it... You're just like me now. HAAAHHH!" Uzuz gave a harsh yell as he gripped my sword by the blade and threw me into the air! I then heard a rush of wind as Uzu jumped above me while preparing a strike from his sword! Shit I can't dodge! (Brace for impact!)

"I've figured out your little 'secret technique'! You blinded yourself and started listening for my uniform to start breaking! HYAAHHHH!" Uzu then swung his sword down on me as I heard the thwack of his sword be eclipsed by the sound barrier breaking on my plunge into the stadium. The arena gave a resounding crack as I felt my body leave a crater. (Holy shit Y/n you alright!?) Yeah... I'm fine just a few... Ogh fuck... Cracks in the uniform I gotta iron out. (Holy shit how durable are those things?) Oh god I hope they're durable.

"I'm not done yet! MEN DOU KOTE! MEN DOU KOTE!" I soon felt my body becoming battered in hundreds of little strikes from Sanageyamas sword... Oh god it hurts! (Don't give up! Come on get up again!)

"MEN DOU KOTE!" With one final thwack from his sword I felt my body be sent back across the arenas ground. I stopped after a few inches and then slowly started to stand.

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