Episode 12 Family

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"(You ready Y/n?)" Yeah I am... The only problem is I have no idea how the hell Inumuta fights. He's never once activated his goku uniform near me...

"(So? He's just a computer nerd kick his ass!)" He's on the elite four Yokubo I'm gonna have a little faith in him.

"Get him Inumuta! Bash him, crush him, show him no mercy! Your the only one left so prove yourself!" Ira was officially rooting for my demise as he yelled from the no star section next to Uzu and a jacket wearing Nonon.

"(Oh come on! I appreciate the eye candy but seriously?! SHE'S the only one who gets clothes?!)" Calm down Yokubo we've still got a fight to win.

"KICK HIS BUTT Y/N! KICK IT!" And there's Mako cheering me on... Granted I'm glad she is but now they're arguing... Now they're staring at each other... Now they're screaming at each other...

"Activating the noise canceler... I'd rather not hear the croaks of a beaten toad and an airhead..." Inumutas uniform began unzipping itself from his face every time he talked with a small zip sound as he scrolled through something on his phone... Inunutas the information and strategy chair so he's probably analyzing us down to the last life fiber...

"(I feel violated... In a good way definitely but still violated...)" I know what you mean... Except for the good way part.

"(Stick in the mud...)"

"Well L/n this is an extremely interesting surprise and granted one I never saw coming... Your Kamui spontaneously appearing from within your own skin, the weird habits of eating life fibers and even the sudden interest in Ryuko... You were willing to bet all of your stature on a girl you met a month ago... How interesting...."

"Correction Inumuta, a girl I still love and cherish with all my heart... Add that to your shitty evaluation of me." He quickly jotted down a few things on his phone as he continued.

"Ooh it appears I've struck a nerve possibly? Or perhaps you're so in love you don't care about anything anymore and are just throwing out one liners to sound intimidating. Either way your heartbeat just raised a couple beats per minute. I'll be sure to test my hypothesis later. For now it appears we have a battle to start." He put his phone away in his back pocket as he glared down at me through his glasses. He had a smirk as I punched the palm of my fist.

"Life Fiber Synchronize: Kamui Yokubo!" As I finished my transformation I heard the siren go off for the beginning of the match. Inumuta smirked as he started to transform. When he finished his body was covered in a black jumpsuit with green cybernetic keyboards layered across his thighs, arms, shoulders and even back. He had cables connecting certain parts of his body to a visor that covered his eyes. Compared to Nonons uniform this one was extremely simple.

"Three-star Goku Uniform: Probe Regalia." The crowd starting cheering as Inumuta immediately began typing along the keyboards on his body... I feel like he's stripping me down even further than you are Yokubo.

"(Who cares anyways? We're here to show off aren't we~? Who cares about a few flashes every once in a while~?)" Fair enough I guess... You and your perverted logic... Just stay sharp okay?

"(On it!)"

"Ah yes your base transformation... Can you transform like Ryuko? Any different techniques I should be aware of?"

"Yeah how about the one where we kick your ass!" I immediately rushed towards Inumuta at a relatively fast speed! Although he didn't react much until I was extremely close to him... I threw a dive kick in his direction as he hastily jumped away. Not without a scratch but I only grazed him...

"You're a lot faster than I thought... Was that perhaps your max speed? What I saw against Sanageyama I mean." I lifted my foot from the crater it created in the newly built arena as I didn't answer him.

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