Episode 9 The New Challenger!

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"AAAAGHHHHH!" As I felt my fist impact the sand bag I heard the chain snap as the large black bag flew into the wall. (I hope you know that's the third chain you've broken right?) Yeah I know... Damn uniform makes this stuff too easy to break. (Come on Y/n you need a break you've literally been training your body for the entire week. Tomorrow is the sudden death runoff and you need rest.)

I guess you're right Yokubo... I don't know what's got me so worked up. (Probably everything to be honest... But that doesn't mean you can't rest. You remember the regiment you gave yourself right?) Yes I remember medium then low then high then low again and then- (Rest... You've been neglecting it... Go to bed Y/n.) Again you're right... I'll put away this bag and go to sleep. You know I wouldn't have expected you to care so much about me ya know?

(Wow... You really think I'm that heartless?) No just too big of a pervert to do anything else. (......Ugh fuck you because you're right.) I thought that was your job? (Ooh~ getting frisky are we~?) Nope just doing your job for ya.

As I walked back towards my room I stopped near the guest room. Ryuko... (You know you're gonna have to fight her right?) Yeah I know... But this is just bullshit.... I began crying as I recalled the events. It's just BULLSHIT THAT I HAVE TO MAKE THIS GODDAMN CHOICE! (Hey hey hey, calm down okay? Everything's gonna turn out okay. You got that?) Yokubo I really don't think so... (Well then I'll just keep telling you until you believe me. It's all I really can do so why not try it right?) Yeah I guess so... Thanks Yokubo... I know it's not much but for how much you've been helping me out thus past week... I guess you're more than just a pervert huh?

(Oh god no I still want to feel you up~ I just don't want it to be while you're all sad and mopey and stuff. If there's anything I hate it's people being unhappy.) Well I guess you'll never change.

I continued my path towards my room and took my uniform off as I began brushing my teeth. Tomorrow's the runoff... I don't know if I'm ready to face Ryuko but I guess I'll find out soon enough. As I finished my routine I took a shower and headed to my bed in my stark nudity. (God do you have to turn me on every night? I swear it's getting annoying.... almost~) Hey it's not my fault I sleep nude. Goodnight Yokubo. (Goodnight sweet prince~)

Unfortunately for me I can't sleep... I spend the next thirty minutes tossing and turning as my mind refuses to settle. Goddammit... Ugh this sucks. (What does? You tossing and turning? Or me?) I can't calm down... My mind's running laps around itself... (Alright well how about I sing you a lullaby?) You can do that? (Yes yes I can... Do you not know how mouths work? Or...?) Yes I do I just never thought of doing something like that. (Well how about you just close your eyes... Relax your muscles... Take three deep breaths in through your nose... And out through your mouth... While I lull you to sleep.)

As I do so Yokubo starts singing a song that I've actually never heard before... It's calm and soothing beyond belief...

('In time's flow...
See the glow.. Of flames ever burning bright...
On the swift.. Rivers drift, broken memories alight...')

I couldn't hear the rest of the song as my eyes grew weary and I slowly fell asleep...


"Students of Honnoji Academy!" It was now the day of the sudden death runoff as Satsuki Kiryuiin took her place upon her pedestal to address the entire student body... Or at least those who could actually still stand...

"For the past week you've fought long and hard..." (Hehe~) Goddamit Yokubo...

"However, your fight has only just begun. Welcome to the sudden death runoff! Every battle for the past week has been recorded and now we know who the survivors are, based on what happens today I will determine who acquires three star status!" This causes the few one and two stars to become rowdy as I stood straight and still. Suddenly a rumbling erupted from the ground which caused six spike pillars to erupt from the ground.

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