Episode 13 I'm A Monster....

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"I did it.....

It was me.....

I killed Ryuko's dad.....

I'm a monster.....

I tricked Ryuko and Mako and I didn't even know it.....

I'm a monster......

I've done nothing but hurt people since I got here.....

I'm a monster.....

I've done nothing but make people upset.....

I'm a monster.....

I'm not even fucking human.....

I'm a fucking monster.....

I don't deserve to be here.....

I'm a fucking monster.....

I don't deserve anything at all.....

I'm a fucking monster.....

I don't want to be here just to make everyone hate me.....

I'm a fucking monster.....

I need to die......

I want to fucking die....." After expelling all the thoughts in my head I began to grow conscious of my own body. I didn't feel my eyes glazed over anymore. I had some control over my body as the shock finally died down, but I still couldn't hear anything. I looked to my right to notice the scissor blade... The purple one was still lying on my shoulder. I got a flash to my previous words...... 'I want to fucking die'. I then smiled as more bloody tears streamed down my face.

I carefully struggled to hold the blade out towards my chest as I barely had any feeling in my numbed arms..... I was in so much shock that just using them required a shit ton of concentration... But that doesn't matter anymore... I can be free of all of this now....

With one last grunt of satisfaction I shoved the blade into my chest as I fell over with a smile on my face..... I was dead now! No one would ever have to have me fuck up their lives! I'll just be an ugly afterthought!

I fell to the ground as the darkness surrounded my eyesight.... Only for me to start coughing up blood as I was dragged from my personal escape.....

No..... I was so close..... Why didn't it work? I looked at the wound as the blade had been ejected from my chest as it sealed itself shut. Oh yeah..... I'm..... What..... immortal? Is that what Nui said? But wait Ryuko can absorb life fibers can't she? Maybe she can kill me.....

I looked up towards Ryuko who had a noticeable frown..... Probably from me I guess..... Then that's how I'll die..... I'll get Ryuko to do it.

"Please..... Kill me please..... Just do it so I can die..... I'm nothing but a monster anyways......" And with those words I felt my vision slip as I slowly collapsed onto the floor of the arena.....



"I did it.....

It was me....." Y/n spoke as I hurriedly tried to make him snap out of it!

"(Y/n! Y/N! WAKE UP! SNAP OUT OF IT PLEASE!)" I heard Y/n's mumbling as he said repeatedly that he was nothing but a monster..... Please Y/n! You're not a monster! Your mom loves you! I love you! Ryuko-

"Sniiifff..... Why? Why did you have to do it? Why'd you have to be so cruel? Why'd you make me believe you cared about me?! Why'd you have to choose me huh?! Sniiifff Why'd ya have to be the one who killed my dad! Ya know..... I actually started to believe you..... I started to believe that you cared for me and loved me! But now I know.... You're nothing but GODDAM LIES!" Ryuko had gotten so angry that her blood was boiling..... She was about to slash Y/n before Nui jumped in to 'save him'.

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