!An Important Announcement!

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First of all I'd like to apologize. I had a christmas episode planned and everything but I honestly had no ideas and overall it would seem like a bad chapter. Either way I didn't follow through on my promise and I apologize.

And now on to what I really wanted to talk about...

I'm completely bankrupt for ideas on the next few chapters...

This is NOT ENDING I am not ending this book EVER in my life. I just decided that I needed a break.

These last few chapters have honestly been a pain to get through. It's not that I'm not enjoying writing it's honestly just that I feel like I'm not living up to your guys' expectations whenever I write a new chapter. This is mostly because I have been late on my chapters so many times and I'm positive you're tired of that.

If you want explanations on those I've posted the reasons on my profile but either way I know I've been so late on so many chapters so I'm taking a break.


I will continue writing this story to the best of my ability. It's just that writing this book has turned from a hobby to a job where I have self imposed deadlines that you guys want met.

I'm so sorry for this and honestly this could just be me being depressed or simply lazy but either way I know I can't write under these stresses.

So I'm postponing this series and updating whenever I can/have the urge instead of on a strict schedule.

I'm sorry it's come to this and I hope you guys understand.

Christ I just realized this is probably the worst christmas present I could've gotten you guys...

I hope you guys have a wonderful day and I hope you understand...

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