1. Best Friends

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Warnings: Smut

I was on my way over to my best friend Jonah's house. Today had been painfully boring so I'd decided to share my boredom with my bestie. If I was honest though, Jonah had become more to me in the past year. We'd been friends since fifth grade so of course, I couldn't voice my opinions.

I passed Jonah's mom on my way to his front door.

"Hey, Carrie." I smiled and waved at her.

"Hey y/n. I'm sorry I don't have time to chat. It's nice seeing you though, dear. Jonah's up in his room. I'll be back late so he's going to order something in. I'm sure he'd love company." she said.

I smiled. "Of course. See you."

I went straight in, as usual, and continued up the stairs. As I stopped in front of his door, I heard moans. I immediately stopped, my cheeks flushing. His mom hadn't mentioned anything about a girl being here.

"Ugh, y/n." My eyes widened as I heard my name.

I couldn't take the curiosity anymore. When I opened the door, I just froze. Jonah was seated on his bed, his shorts at his ankles, his hand working furiously at his cock. His head was tilted back, moans flying from his lips. Hair was beginning to stick to his forehead with sweat.

I must've made a noise or something because Jonah froze, his eyes snapping open. He jumped to his feet, shoving up his shorts. His cheeks flushed scarlet. "Y-y/n. I wasn't-"

My feet moved of their own accord and I was suddenly looping my arms around his neck and pressing my lips to his. After a moment of shocked stillness, Jonah responded, wrapping his arms around me and brushed his tongue along my lower lip, asking for entrance.

Being the tease I was, I denied him. He nipped at my lower lip and I parted my lips in surprise. He took the opportunity to slip in his tongue. I shivered as it caressed my own.

My hands found the hem of Jonah's shirt and I tugged on it. He pulled it off quickly, returning to my mouth. I explored his muscled back, caressing his hips in slow, circular motions. He pulled himself even closer to me, moaning into my lips. I stood on tiptoe and slowly teased Jonah's cock with my covered pussy.

Jonah's breath caught and he started moving, pushing me onto the bed. "Be mine." he groaned.

"Of course. If you'll be mine as well." I said, slinging my thighs around his hips as they hit the bed. Jonah lifted us so we were on the bed, him suspended over me. We stared at each other, catching our breaths before bolting for each other again, smashing ourselves together again. Jonah unbuttoned my flannel, casting it aside as I slid my hands under his shorts, playing with the band of his boxers.

Jonah moaned and took my breasts in his hands. He slipped his hands under my bra and cupped my chest before I huffed a sigh of frustration and unclipped it, throwing it off. He lowered his mouth to my chest. I moaned and drove my hands into his hair, clenching my thighs around him.

Jonah's patience suddenly wore through and he ripped his mouth from me before tearing off my leggings and underwear. He groaned in appreciation of my drenched core before lowering his mouth to it.

I threw my head back at the first contact, moaning. He kissed my clit before pulling back and blowing cold air onto my dripping center. When he had gotten the desired moan from me, he attacked me, sucking and nibbling on my clit.

I moaned at the loss of contact as he pulled himself back up to look at my face. I glared at him.

Then I all but screamed as two of his fingers entered me suddenly. He grinned at my reaction, beginning to pump his fingers in and out of me, adding a third. I gripped his arm, digging in my nails. Jonah seemed satisfied and intrigued in my reactions. His eyes remained fixed on my face as his fingers hooked at the first knuckle, tracing against my walls.

I was almost crying with pleasure as he shoved his fingers in further. They scraped my g-spot and I yelled Jonah's name, shooting up into him. He chuckled, hitting that spot again.

"Jo!" I gasped, releasing on him.

I panted, gripping his neck as he lowered his mouth to my throat, leaving kisses and nibbles along the skin. His hands tore off his shorts and boxers, tossing them to the floor. I heard the crackle of foil and him tensing above me as he prepared himself.

Jonah pressed his tip into me, sucking harshly on a spot on my neck as he did so. I groaned, digging my fingers into his hair again. Jonah braced his hands on my hips and suddenly shoved himself the rest of the way in, letting me adjust before pulling himself most of the way out and thrusting in over and over.

He pulled my leg up and over his shoulder. He hit my g-spot with every thrust and I gasped loudly every time.

"Louder, babygirl." he whispered.

He hit that spot again. I jolted. "Jonah!"

"You can do better than that, baby." Jonah chuckled. "Let the whole neighborhood know who's fucking you right tonight."


Jonah rolled over so I was riding him, bracing his hands on my hips again. I rolled my hips desperately, bouncing slightly. Jonah groaned loudly, thrusting his hips up to meet me. I moaned out in pleasure, bracing my hands on his chest.

Suddenly Jonah pulled out, pushing me to my hands and knees and positioning himself behind me. I screamed as he entered me again, thrusting in hard and fast. My climax was approaching and he knew it. He reaching down and started rubbing my clit furiously, matching his desperate pace.

I yelled his name as I came undone, arms buckling, breathing rough, walls clenching around his rock hard member. He yelled and dug his fingers into my hips as he met his own climax.

Jonah pulled out of me slowly and pulled off the condom, tying it and throwing it in the garbage can beside his desk. We collapsed together and entwined our bodies. I sighed. "I think I'm in love with you Jonah Marais Roth Frantzich."

"I'm in love with you too y/n."


This is kind of old so it's... just a little bit cringey.

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