9. Bus Boy

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Corbyn's PoV

I walked towards the back of the bus, quickly shoving my transit card in my pocket. I sat with a seat between both of the passengers on either side of me and pulled out my phone to change the song in my earbuds. I glanced out the window and my eyes caught on the girl in the window seat. She was staring out the window absent-mindedly, fiddling with the cord of her earbuds (because not all of us are rich enough to afford airpods).

I found myself glancing at the girl periodically. She was obviously gorgeous, clad in an oversized hoodie, jeans and converse. She snapped out of her daze at the next stop, sighing and readjusting herself in her seat. She shifted her head and I stifled a laugh as her neck cracked loudly, not wanting her to know that I'd been staring.

I followed her gaze to the passengers boarding. Even though there were several empty rows around us, a middle-aged man's eyes were fixed almost greedily on her. The girl's entire body was tense as he walked towards us. I felt a rush of disgust that this man was making a girl feel uncomfortable.

I shuffled towards her, claiming the seat next to her. The man huffed and glared at me, taking a seat in front of us.

"Sorry, are you okay?" I murmured.

The girl nodded. "Yeah. Thank you. I'm y/n." She stuck out her hand.


Y/n's smile was beautiful and real, filling her eyes with warmth. She was still tense as the man kept taking indiscreet looks at her.

I leaned in to her slightly. "Are you getting off at the exchange?"

She nodded.

"I am too. Do you want me to wait with you if he gets off too?"

Y/n smiled in relief. "Would you?"

"Of course. I don't want you to feel unsafe."

"I don't want to inconvenience you, though."

I shook my head. "It's not a problem, really."


The man scowled as we got off together, chatting all the way. Y/n could hardly keep the smile off of her face as we talked. I kept her company until her bus came. When it did, she handed me a slip of paper.

Text me xxx-xxx-xxxx

I pulled out my phone and typed in her number quickly.


thx for the convo. same time next week?

I saw y/n grin through the window at her phone and bite her lip, giving me a little nod.


Sure thing, bus boy


WOw, aNoTheR tRasH ImAgiNe. wHo'S sUrpRiSeD? 

𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐰𝐞 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now