3. Jack's Here You Idiot

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Warnings: Sexual (but not smut), Zach being a horny fucker, idontevenknowanymore

It was about quarter past two when I woke up to the feeling of Zach grinding his boner against my ass. I groaned and snuggled further under the covers. The hotel sheets were scratchy and uncomfortable but I was too tired to really care. I reached out one arm and smacked Zach's arm away as it crept along the bottom hem of my shirt.

"Angel," he whimpered. "Please help me."

I growled something noncommittal and tried to fall asleep again.

Zach had other plans, however. He rolled his hips against me again, letting out a soft whine of frustration as it didn't give him the friction he craved.

I shoved him away again but he pressed his face into my back, hand sliding between us to jerk himself slightly. "Zach, fuck off," I groaned.

"I'm so hard, baby. Please." Zach shuffled uncomfortably behind me, a whiny tone entering his low voice.

"Jerk off in the bathroom. I'm tired."

Zach was about to protest when I turned over and glared at him, more awake now.

"Have you forgotten that we're sharing a room with another person? I'm not fucking you while your best friend is in the next bed over," I hissed.

"We could be quiet," Zach implored weekly.

I scoffed. "Do you know how gross that would be? No."


"Zachary Dean, I said no. It is 2 am and I am sleep deprived and most importantly, your bandmate is right next to us. You can take care of yourself in the bathroom or you can forget about me helping you out for the rest of tour," I snapped quietly, rolling back over.

Zach sighed dejectedly, slipping out of bed.


Suffice it to say, I was overtired and still upset with Zach by the next morning. I ignored him all through breakfast, instead sitting by Daniel, who wisely left me alone as I drained my coffee.

I stomped up to the room to grab my stuff, still wishing I would've grabbed that third cup of life-sustaining caffeine. Jack was shoving his toiletry bag into his backpack when I opened the door. He gave me a smile which I tried to reciprocate but ended up yawning.

"Hey, y/n?"

I turned around. A blush crept up Jack's cheeks. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to say thanks for, um- wow this is gonna sound weird. Thanks for last night. Not doing stuff with Zach I mean." Jack stumbled over his words, one hand going up to tug at his hair as he fumbled for the right thing to say.

My face grew hot. "N-no problem, I guess. Sorry if we woke you up."

Jack shook his head, curls shivering wildly.

We stood there awkwardly until Jack gave me an awkward smile and swung his bag over his shoulder.

I sighed and started throwing my stuff into my bag, leaving Zach's stuff in a pile on the bed. Zach himself came in as I was brushing my teeth and shoving my toiletries into my bag.


I threw my toothbrush into my bag and turned to face him, hand on hip. "If the only reason you brought me on tour with you was so you could have a quick fuck then you can forget about inviting me on another one."

Zach's face dropped even further into a pout. "It's not that, baby. I'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't've tried to pressure you into something you made clear you didn't want. I'm sorry, angel."

I sighed and rested my head against my boyfriend's chest. "It's okay, Z. Just wait until we're actually alone, okay? I'd rather not be kicked off of tour because the boys hate me."

His following chuckle reverberated against me and I smiled. "They could never hate you, angel." He wrapped his arms around me and kissed the top of my head.

I grinned and looked up at him. "I bet I could find a way."

"Let's not explore that option, angel."


Okay, this was shit and we all know it. But I hate in imagines when they fuck while their friend is in the room. It's just gross and disrespectful so here is my rant in story form. You're welcome.

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