5. Thank You

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It was a slow day, only one couple occupying a table in the diner I worked at.

I fidgeted with the sleeves of the diner's uniform as I watched two attractive boys walk inside, the bell chiming merrily. I took a deep breath after about a minute and grabbed two menus, walking up to the booth they'd just slid into.

"Hello and welcome to Mary's diner, I'll be your server, y/n. Can I get you a couple of drinks to start you off?" I smiled welcomingly and took out my notebook from my apron pocket.

The shorter, blond one smiled back at me. "Yeah, I'll get a hot chocolate, thanks."

"Do you have macchiatos?" The other, brunette, asked. I couldn't help but admire his jawline.

"For sure." I scribbled that down.

"Thank you." They both said.

I returned a few moments later carrying the two cups and set them in front of each boy. "Are you ready to order or would you like a few more minutes?"

Blondie glanced at his friend. "I think we need a couple more minutes."

"No problem." I smiled and turned away.

"Waitress!" I turned towards the sound and walked over to the man's table.

"Is everything alright here?" I asked, trying to keep a pleasant look on my face despite the fact that the couple had been nothing but rude to me the whole time they'd been here.

The man gave me a dirty look. "Where's our food?"

"I'm sorry sir but its not up yet. It'll be just a couple more min-"

He banged his fist on the table. "We've been waiting for twenty minutes for our food. My wife and I are hungry."

I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do to hurry up the process. The pizzas take about fifteen to twenty minutes to make as they're made from scratch and we try to notify our customers of that. I can ask the chef how much longer it'll take if that'll help."

He grumbled something of agreement and I scurried off to the kitchen. Tom, the old head chef here, looked at me sympathetically. "Sorry kid. Don't let it get you down. There are bound to be some rude people here and there in hospitality."

I nodded and took a deep breath. "Yeah. How long for that pizza?"

"Two minutes."

It eventually came up and I grabbed it, thanking Tom before settling a smile on my face and walking over to the table. "Mary's special pizza," I announced before setting down the platter and two side plates.

"Where are the green peppers?" griped the woman.

"This one doesn't come with peppers," I mumbled.

"Why not?"

"I don't know, ma'am. I-"

"Is there anything you do know?" she snapped.

I flinched. "Would you like me to get you some green peppers to put on top?" I all but whispered, fighting to keep my voice steady.

They nodded.

I rang in the peppers and wiped at my eyes quickly before grabbing them from the pass-through bar.

I didn't expect a thank you from them and I didn't get one.

I started walking towards the boys' booth, taking deep breaths and fighting to suppress the stinging in my eyes. "What can I get you guys this afternoon?" My voice was hoarser than I would've liked.

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