9. Embarrassed

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Warnings: smut

Daniel shifted next to me again, a low huff of breath leaving his lips. I glanced up at him. In the low light of his bunk, I could see that his face was smooth, almost blank as he stared at his phone. I brushed it off, curling back into his side and focusing my attention on my phone once again.

The tour bus was empty besides us and silence crept in, seeding boredom and a wandering mind. I noticed how fidgety my boyfriend seemed to become as time wore on. He cleared his throat more than necessary and seemed to never find a comfortable position. I glanced up at him again and this time caught the darkness in his eyes illuminated by the light from his phone screen. I let my eyes trail downwards and eventually rested on his hips. I could tell even through his jeans that he was incredibly hard. I didn't know how long he'd been like this but from the flush on his cheeks and the way his chest tightened I could tell it was uncomfortable.

The fact that Daniel hadn't asked me for help wasn't that surprising. We'd only been intimate a handful of times and he was still incredibly shy about expressing his wants especially with him being so inexperienced and me having more of a history. I watched covertly as he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth and shifted his hips slightly, a muffled sound escaping his mouth as he did.

"Dani, are you okay?" I asked, glancing up at his face again.

His eyes widened and his hand instinctively covered his crotch. "Yeah," he squeaked. "Why wouldn't I be?"

"Baby, you don't have to be shy. I know. It's okay. I can make you feel good." I placed my hand on his thigh and smirked a little when he gasped.

A flush spread over his cheeks. "I don't-I'm not-" his words were cut off abruptly when I squeezed him through his jeans and his mouth fell open, a low moan tumbling from his lips. His phone dropped from his hand and onto the bed. His eyes fluttered shut and his head lolled back onto his pillow as I continued to palm him. His moans were pitchy and keening and he let out a near whimper when I took my hand away.

I pressed a kiss to his adam's apple and murmured into his skin, "You don't want that?"

His torso jerked as I trailed up it, letting my fingers dip into the collar of his shirt before running up his neck to cup his face. I traced the tip of my tongue up the column of his throat, coaxing a shudder to run through his body.

"You don't want me stroking you slowly?" I mumbled, my hand venturing down, approaching his arousal. "You don't want the feeling of my lips on your body, all over?"

Daniel's whole body tensed as I caressed his hip bones, trailing to the center of his hips before creating another path away. He groaned breathlessly, hands clenching in his covers.

"You don't want this-" I gripped him through his jeans again and he jerked, hips grinding into my hand. As soon as he did, I let my hand fall away. He whimpered at the lost contact and I kissed his neck again. "Talk to me, baby. Do you want me to help you out? To unbuckle your belt, unzip your jeans?"

He made an indistinct groan, his blush creeping up to his ears now.

"You've got to use your words, baby." I sat up and caught his eyes as I straddled him, pulling his shirt over his head. I planted my hands in his now messy hair and pulled it gently. "Do you want my help?" I pulled my hands away and rested them on his hips. I leaned in again and kissed him, distracting him successfully as I quickly pulled off his belt and popped the button on his jeans. He moaned into my mouth as I grew closer and closer to his hard-on.

"Do you want this baby?"

The sound Dani made was near a whimper.

I decided not to be mean and pushed Daniel's pants down his thighs, palming him again before pushing his boxers down as well. He made a sort of gasping moan as the band of his Calvin's caught on his leaking tip. I shimmied down his thighs and bent over him, spreading his precum over himself to slowly jack him. His moans were cut off as he bit his lip again.

A smile crept onto my lips as I saw his eyes were still closed. I leaned into him a little more and clasped my lips around his tip with no warning.

The noise he made. It was low and husky and helpless and already so close to the edge.

Daniel's eyes flew open and his hips bucked at the contact, a wavering moan leaving his lips.

I continued to jack him as I took more of him into my mouth. Daniel's moans were nearly constant now as his thighs tightened and his length twitched in my mouth. His hands scrabbled at the bedsheets as I worked my tongue around him.

I drew back to suck on his head, flicking my tongue along him. His moans turned strangled and I could feel him tensing again. I knew he was close so I slid back down until my nose was touching his pelvis and sucked him, sliding my tongue along the prominent vein. I bobbed my head, keeping the suction and Daniel's voice broke. "Baby, I'm gonna-"

I pulled off of him, pressing a kiss to his tip. "Go ahead, baby."

I slid his tip into my mouth again, tonguing him until I could feel him twitch. His hips jerked sporadically and his back arched up from the pillows, head falling back as moans and profanities spilled from his mouth. He spilled into me, chest heaving as he relaxed back into the pillows.

I lay one more kiss to his tip before sitting upright and pressing our lips together. I curled into him and stroked his hair until he calmed down. "Dani, promise me that if that happens again you'll tell me and not be so stubborn."

He chuckled. "I promise."

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