20. Pound Me

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Warnings: SMUT

Feathered kisses down my neck. Teeth grazing my collarbone. The drag of a tongue up my throat.

I moaned deeply, tightening my thighs around Jonah's waist. My hands dug deeper into his hair as my head fell back, giving Jonah more access to my throat.

One of my hands fell from his hair and gripped the bedsheets as I bucked my hips into him. I maneuvered my calf in between his thighs to press against his hardness, eliciting a guttural groan from him.

I gasped as he sucked hard on my sweet spot, leaving a mark there.

He muttered something into my throat.

"What?" I mumbled, struggling not to release right there and then as his fingers grazed my inner thigh.

Jonah looked me straight in the eye, almost snarling out his words. "I said I can't wait any longer. I need you now. No teasing, no waiting, just us, right now."

I nodded, pulling my shirt over my head and throwing it to the floor as he did the same. My hands fumbled with urgency at his belt buckle before I finally unclasped it and popped the button on his tight jeans. He ripped them off impatiently, casting away his socks as well before clasping my thighs and lowering himself down to kiss my breasts as he pulled off my skirt and panties in one go, hooking his thumbs into my thigh-high socks.

I gasped and unclipped my bra, arching my back to throw it off.

I almost screamed as Jonah's lips closed around my nipple, sucking it and nibbling at it. He pulled down my thigh-highs and threw them away, moving down to kiss my now-bare thighs.

His hand now fumbled at the waistband of his boxers before literally ripping them off. He returned to my mouth.

"You're going to regret that later." I gasped out between messy, tongue filled kisses. "Those were your favourites."

"I don't care," Jonah growled before flipping me over, lifting up my hips and burying himself inside of me.

I screamed out, grappling at the sheets for something to grab onto. Jonah's fingers laced through mine as he slammed into me furiously.

My thighs shook already, threatening to collapse. Jonah saw this and gripped my hips with a hand, not pausing his thrusts.

Jonah sunk into me again, brushing against my g-spot.

"Oh god!" I yelled.

He adjusted again, hitting that spot mercilessly. I screamed out his name, clenching around him, already so close to my high.

"Fuck!" I screamed, quivering with the proximity of climax.

Jonah groaned throatily, twitching inside me. His thumb caressed my clit once and that was it. I released with a scream of his name and collapsed into the mattress.

He spilled into me, thrusting slower and slower before pulling out and slumping down next to me.

"Well, that was new." I laughed, caressing his jawline.

Jonah's warm hazel eyes focused on my own. "Did I hurt you at all?"

I shook my head. "No. In fact, I think we might have to do that again, real soon."

Jonah's eyes flashed.

I yawned, cuddling into his chest. "Just not yet."

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