4. Sleeping & Surprises

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Warnings: Smut

The only reason I knew Jonah was asleep was from the soft snores behind me. His arms were wrapped around me tightly and his chest was pressed to my back. So much for watching a movie then.

I shifted slightly, sighing and closing my eyes.

A soft grunt hit my neck with an exhalation of warm breath. I glanced back at Jonah. He was still sound asleep. I must've accidentally elbowed him or something.

I yawned and nestled deeper into Jonah's chest which was covered with his giant comfy hoodie. My shirt -Jonah's actually- slid over my hip, uncovering my lace panties and an expanse of skin. Jonah's sleeve caressed it softly and I giggled quietly.

There was a gasp and a shift of hips along with a squeeze of arms from behind me. I glanced at Jonah again to see his eyes shut tight, his mouth open a little.


Then his hips rocked against mine again and I felt it- the rock hardness of him. I smirked a little. I wasn't that tired yet. Might as well tease him a bit. I pressed back into him as he rutted forward, a deep moan slipping past my lips. His chest jerked and he stilled, hips settling against mine, hard on straining past the boxers he'd put on, nestled against my ass.

I gripped his arm as I ground my hips back into his, eliciting a guttural sound from his mouth. I threw my head back on his shoulder, arching my back as I pushed my ass harder against him.

Jonah groaned again, rutting against me even harder. One of his hands dipped under my shirt, reaching up and grabbing my breast.

I chuckled lightly, hardly believing he wasn't awake with all of this.

A string of soft moans left Jonah's mouth as we both ground on each other. Then, with one final thrust and a breathy moan, Jonah's cock twitched. I ground my hips on him one last time, which seemed to be his undoing. His chest expanded and he let out a long sigh as his warmth filled the front of his boxers.

I turned my head and pressed a kiss to his neck before settling in and closing my eyes.

Well, he's going to have quite the surprise when he wakes up.


I kind of really like this one.

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