5. The Importance of Knocking

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Warnings: Smut

Jonah gripped my hips tighter, bringing up my thighs around his waist more as he thrust into me. "Fuck, y/n." he moaned breathily.

I gripped his thick, dark hair tighter as he moved his mouth to my neck, immediately sucking harshly on my sweet spot. I gasped, jerking my hips a little. "Baby," I moaned, watching my volume.

Corbyn had come home shortly after we'd started and, since Jonah was raging and desperate, we'd continued, trying not to alert his bandmate to our activities.

I jerked up into Jonah as his thumb found my clit, biting down on his shoulder to keep from screaming. Jonah shushed me a little as my muffled grunt got louder than expected. I dropped my head back as Jonah struck my g-spot.

I stifled a moan into Jonah's mouth as I came, chest heaving, hips jerking, thighs shaking, heat clenching around him. It was that which made Jonah groan against my lips, hips moving him through his high as he spilled into the condom.

I smiled as Jonah rutted into me one more time, hand going down to caress my hip, a satisfied smirk on his face and-

The door flew open and the next thing I knew, Jonah was properly on top of me, shielding my nakedness as Corbyn's voice spewed apologies from the hallway before the door slammed.

Jonah's shocked face was only inches from my own. My mouth opened and closed wordlessly before tears clouded my vision and rolled down my cheeks.

Jonah dipped his head and kissed my shoulder, his thumbs gently wiping away my tears. "Baby, baby. It's okay. Corbyn didn't mean to, okay? He didn't know. I made sure he didn't see anything. It's alright. I'm sorry. It was my fault that we continued while he was here."

He gently pulled out of me, tied the condom and threw it into the trash before pulling me into his lap and smoothing lines up and down my back. He reached for the shirt he'd cast onto the floor and helped me into it, doing the same for my panties and grabbing a pair of pajama shorts from the drawer.

He set me gently on the bed as he dressed as well. Then he caressed my face and took my hand, leading me out of the room and downstairs. He pressed me into his side as we stepped into the living room where a guilty looking Corbyn was sitting.

Corbyn looked up as we entered. "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't've barged in without knocking and I swear to god I wouldn't've if I knew. I'm sorry y/n." He stood up.

I bit my lip as tears welled in my eyes again.

"It's okay, Corbyn," Jonah said. "You didn't know."

Corbyn opened his arms to me for a hug. "I'm so, so sorry y/n. Are you mad?"

I sniffled and shook my head, stepping into his arms and punching his shoulder half-heartedly. "No," I mumbled. "But do it again and I may be." 

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