12. Piano

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Warnings: smut

I sat cross-legged on the floor, leaning against the piano bench. Jonah's slim fingers picked their way up and down the keys, spilling out the notes to Ed Sheeran's Perfect. Jonah's voice was soft and husky, rough in a way that I couldn't help but love. "Darling you look perfect tonight,"

The grand piano took up a great deal of space in our small apartment, but Jo had been so ecstatic when he'd gotten it that I had no qualms about giving up most of the space in our guest bedroom for it.

My bare feet curled as I stood up on the cold wood floorboards. I wrapped my arms around Jonah's neck, resting my chin on his shoulder as I studied those talented fingers. What I would do to have them in me right now. I pressed my thighs together.

Jonah chuckled, his fingers not faltering as I started kissing up his neck. I sucked on a spot just below his jaw and his breath hitched. I moved to nibble at his earlobe, reaching down to press the palm of my hand to his crotch. Jonah threw his head back onto my shoulder as he let out a rough groan.

I palmed him easily, still kissing up his throat. His hand gripped mine after a while, stilling it. "Y/n," he breath roughly. "I'm going to come if you keep doing that."

I pulled my hand up to cup his cheek, stroking my thumb along his cheekbone. Jonah's eyes fluttered shut. "C'mon baby." I started moving towards the bed but Jonah stopped me.

"I want to try something different today." Was it just me or were his cheeks flushed?

"What kind of something different?" I asked cautiously.

Jonah grinned wickedly. "I want to fuck you on this piano."

I smirked, leaning down to whisper in his ear, "Sounds good, baby boy."

Just like that, my dress was shoved up over my head, chased quickly by my bra. Jonah's sweatshirt, beanie, and skinny jeans soon followed. My panties and his boxers quickly hit the floor as well. Jonah's hands cupped my hips and my back was pressed to the piano, my ass hitting several keys at once. I giggled, finding Jonah's lips and winding his messy hair in my fingers. I tugged slightly as his tongue slipped into my mouth and his gasp made me chuckle again.

I didn't laugh though as he pushed slowly into me. I moaned throatily, bucking my hips as he teased me into oblivion. Jonah bit my bottom lip gently and rolled his hips into mine. Slowly, so slowly, so I could feel every single inch of him moving in me.

My breath caught and my back arched as Jonah's lips trailed across my collar and up the line of my throat. He chuckled at my response. "So sensitive," he crooned.

I only emphasized his point, even more, when he angled his hips just so and a high-pitched, plaintive moan tumbled from my lips. He chuckled against my skin, sending delicious ripples throughout my body.

The once beautiful sounds coming from the piano had turned into a chaotic ruckus and I could just imagine the number of noise complaints we'd receive.

My eyes rolled back in my head and I completely melted into him, digging my fingers into his shoulders as he pounded into me. I came with a scream and collapsed, my chest heaving. Jonah spilled into me, moaning pornographically.

We both just sat there, trying to catch our breath. "I'll never look at this piano in the same way after knowing that I fucked you on it," Jonah whispered huskily.

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