10. Not So Innocent

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Warnings: kinky secks, threesome, SMUTSMUTSMUTSMUTSMUT

If I didn't make it clear somehow, there's a lot of smut.

"I'm not!" I protested, huffing in indignation.

Jonah, Corbyn and I were sitting on the couch at my house. I'd invited them over since my parents weren't back until tomorrow. We'd somehow gotten into a full-fledged argument about my innocence.

"You're basically a seven-year-old in your innocence, y/n." Corbyn claimed, laughing at my so-called 'stubborn face'.

"You're an angel." Jonah chimed in.

I rolled my eyes.

"You could be an actual saint for all we know. Or a nun." Corbyn teased, poking my sides.


Both boys turned to each other, devilish grins taking up residence on their before-teasing faces. Jonah was the one who smirked at me. "Prove it then."

I wilted before their shit-eating grins. "And how do you expect me to do that?"

"Fuck us," Corbyn said.

My eyes widened. "W-what?" I fidgeted with my hands. "Fuck you?"

Jonah shook his head. "Fuck us."

I'd had sex before of course, but a threesome? Especially between the three of us, the thought had never crossed my mind. "I-I..."

Corbyn's eyes softened. "It's okay princess. We'll take good care of you."

"We'll be very gentle." Jonah smiled.

I nodded slowly, my heart banging. "Okay. But-"

"If you feel uncomfortable, we'll stop right away and forget this ever happened. Promise." Corbyn offered, standing up. "Your room?"

My feet moved without my consent, taking me to Corbyn where I placed my hands tentatively on his waist and pressed my body to his, moving my hips ever so slightly. I pulled my lower lip between my teeth as the blond moaned roughly, placing one hand on the small of my back, the other going to clutch my breast. I gasped softly, my eyes falling closed.

I felt Jonah's presence behind me before he looped an arm around my neck, pushing my hair out of the way and connecting his lips to my throat in messy, open-mouthed kisses. His other hand gripped my ass tightly before slipping in between my legs, cupping my heat over my pajama shorts.

My legs shook slightly as he rubbed his forefinger over my clothed clit. I moaned. Corbyn gripped me tighter as he ground against me, his growing hard pressing against my lower stomach.

Jonah suddenly pressed against my back, the bulge in his jeans rubbing on me. Both boys let out moans at the friction.

"S-stop." I gasped.

They both froze.

I tried to catch my breath. "We'd better go upstairs before I beg you to fuck me right here, right now."

Jonah's mouth curled into a smirk and his eyes darkened even more.

Jonah scooped me up into his arms and carried me upstairs where Corbyn was already closing my blinds. With that done, he turned to us with a devilish smirk and approached. Jonah set me down and almost immediately, Corbyn smashed his lips down onto mine, cupping my cheek with a hand.

I arched into his body, letting him press every inch of him to me. He moaned against my lips. Corbyn guided me back until I stumbled back onto my bed, his hands supporting himself on either side of my head as he ground himself against me.

𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐰𝐞 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 [✓]Where stories live. Discover now