15. What Happened (!!major trigger warning!!)

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Warnings: sexual assault, flashbacks of rape, underage drinking

This imagine contains descriptions of sexual assault, violence and drugging. Please, please do not read if you are at all sensitive to such topics.

My mind was still groggy as I awoke, being blissfully numb in those first few moments of wakefulness as I nuzzled further into the pillow under my head, feeling cold. I felt even worse than I normally did after a night of drinking and partying but I shrugged it off, chalking up my already pounding head and stiff muscles to one too many beers the night before.

That is, until the pain gradually filled me. I was aware of the harsh banging in my head but that was usual for my hungover state. What wasn't normal was the stab of blinding pain from my lower regions as I shifted to start sitting up and stretching. I let out an involuntary gasp, opening my eyes as I slowly recognized other points of pain blooming all over my body. I could feel my thighs and hips flaring up, my chest rattling when I took deep breaths. My throat felt tight and scratchy, almost as if I had a bad cold.

I slowly eased myself into a sitting position, all too aware of my naked body. I glanced around the room, quickly gathering that it was one of the many guest rooms in Eben's party house. I glanced down and immediately wished I hadn't. Bruises peppered my skin, nail marks dug into my hips. What the fuck happened last night?

I surveyed my legs, feeling a little nauseous as I took in the bruises. The sight of my body made me want to vomit so I slowly, painfully grabbed the jeans I'd been wearing. My underwear was close too and I slipped them on as painlessly as I could while I glanced around for my shirt. I finally found it and clenched it in my fist. My gaze finally caught on my bra and I scooped it up, wincing at the action. My eyebrows furrowed as I saw the thing was broken, one of the straps and part of the back hanging on by threads. I kept on my denial, carefully pulling on my crop-top.

I was sure I hadn't danced with anyone, hadn't flirted, hadn't led anyone on. But the terrifying reality was that I'd had sex last night. So what the fuck had happened?

Last night's memories were blurred and the last thing I remembered clearly was playing pool and someone handing me a shot and- I froze. I shook my head vehemently. There was no way. There was just no fucking way. My breathing picked up, rattling in my lungs as I limped my way to the bathroom.

The girl in the mirror wasn't me. She couldn't be. Her hair was a rat's nest, her eyes were scared, her face tired. That girl had the unmistakable mark of a hand wrapped around her throat.

"Stay still," the man above me hissed, shoving my torso back onto the bed.

My weak protests went unheard by him. "What're you doing?" I slurred, pushing at his hands feebly, like the swat of a tired toddler. "No, stop," I complained as he shoved my shirt over my head, slamming my head hard in the process.

I frowned as he fumbled with my bra. "Stop, I don't like it," I murmured, flailing my arm uselessly.

"Shut the fuck up," he snarled, tearing off the bra and throwing it. He then slid his hand up and curled his fingers around my neck, squeezing hard. I squirmed, choking for breath as my hands scrabbled at his. "I told you to shut up."

I barely made it to the toilet before falling to my knees and vomiting up the contents of my stomach. It reeked of alcohol and tears poured down my face as I tried to comprehend what the hell just happened.

My throat burned and I collapsed against the wall opposite the toilet, clutching my head.

The strange man's face blurred in and out of focus, his alcohol-heavy breath hot against my face. His hands fumbled with my jeans before pulling them down my legs, flinging my underwear after them.

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